{sovereign} sov´er-eign of England
{sovereignty} sov´er-eign-ty of our country
{antecedent} an-te-ce´dent of the pronoun
{allotment} al-lot´ment of the estate
{allotting} al-lot´ting the Indian lands
{treasurer} treas´ur-er of the society
{advise} ad-vise´ him to go
{advice} ad-vice´ is cheap
{accusative} ac-cu´sa-tive case of a noun
{dissolve} dis-solve´ the partnership
{convenient} con-ven´ient place
{experience} ex-pe´ri-ence is the best teacher
{infinitive} in-fin´i-tive form of a verb
{library} li´bra-ry books
{occur} oc-cur´ to one
{pleasant} pleas´ant occupation
{potato} po-ta´to salad
{practice} prac´tice makes perfect
{procedure} pro-ce´dure in court
{proportion} pro-por´tion of the money
{sentence} sen´tence for life
{supplement} sup´ple-ment of an angle
{vacuum} vac´u-um cleaner
{secretary} sec´re-ta-ry of state
{exaggerate} ex-ag´ger-ate the story



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