Baker, James. Report on technical and commercial education in East Russia, Poland, Galicia, Silesia, Bohemia. 122 pp. Wyman & Sons. London. 1900. Bohemian-American Letter Writer; or Directions how to compose correctly, letters, documents, etc., which occur in the social relations and business life of the United States. 122 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1907. Born, Baron Inigo. (Mineralogist and Counsellor of the Mines at Prague.) Series of Letters to Prof. Ferber on the Mines and Mountains of different Countries. To which is added John James Ferber’s Mineralogical History of Bohemia. 8º. Translated from the German by R. E. Raspe. 1777. London (?). Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Prague. 6 pp. Politika. Prague. 1911. Merrylees, John. Carlsbad and its environs. With a medical treatise on the use of the waters by B. Moleville, M. Bertrand de. The Costumes of the Hereditary States of the House of Austria. Displayed in fifty coloured engravings; with descriptions and an introduction. 15 plates are Slovak, Bohemian and Moravian. Translated by R. C. Dallas. fo. 50 pl. W. Miller. London. 1804. RosickÝ, Marie Bayer. Bohemian-American Cook Book. Tested and Practical Recipes for American and Bohemian Dishes. Translated into English by Rose RosickÝ. 8º. 306 pp. National Printing Company. Omaha. 1915. Royal Bohemian Coal and Mining Company, Limited. Reports. 8º. 16 pp. Printed by McNeil and Moody. London. 1864. Schoberl, Frederick. Austria: containing a description of the manners, customs, character and costumes of the people of that Empire. Illustrated. Bohemia, chap. 2, and pp. 28-31. C. S. Williams. Philadelphia. W. Brown, printer. 1828. Zmrhal, Jaroslav J. (PrvnÍ cÍtanka obcanskÁ.) A Primer of Civics; designed for the guidance of the immigrant. English and Bohemian on opposite pages. 66 pp. Colonial Dames of Illinois. Chicago. 1912. ARTICLESBaker, James. Manual Training in Central Europe. The Practical Teacher’s Art Monthly. London, Aug., 1900. Canalization of the Elbe (Labe) and the Moldau (Vltava). Illustrated. Scientific American Supplement. New York. 57:23598. Mar., 1904. Cleef, E. van. Overlooked Bohemia. Map. Journal of Geography. Appleton, Wis. 14:39-42. Oct., 1915. Executioner’s Sword. The Sabbath School Visitor. Philadelphia. 36:19. Oct. 1, 1885. Reprint from the Edinburgh Children’s Record. Description of the (supposed) sword with which Bohemian Martyrs were beheaded at Prague, June 21, 1621. Feistmantel, O. The Bohemian Coal Beds. Nature. London. 14:268-70. 1876. Hawes, J. B. Streets and Roads of Bohemia. U. S. Consular Reports. 38:495. 1891. Kay, C. de. Trout Farms of Bohemia. U. S. Consular Reports. 49:41. 1895. Krabschitz Institute. A Singular History. By R. S. A. The Congregationalist. London. 7:611-14. Oct., 1878. KrÁl, J. J. Reminiscences of a Bohemian Gymnasium. The Inlander. Ann Arbor. 2:309-15. Apr., 1892. —— The Three Bohemias. Music. Chicago. 5:103-05. 1893. —— Prokop DiviŠ, Inventor of the Lightning Rod. Popular Science Monthly. New York. Jan., 1893. Milles, Jeremiah. Of the Carlsbad Mineral Waters in Bohemia. Philosophical Transactions. London. Abr. 11:68. 1757. Newbigin, M. I. Departments of Natural History of the Bohemian Museum. Natural Science Magazine. London. 8:168. Slavic Transliteration. Report of the A. L. A. Committee. International Congress of Librarians in Paris. 1900. Report by Borivoj PrusÍk of Prague. Library Journal. New York. 25:580-83, 1900; 27:16. 1902. Wenceslaus Hollar Portrait by Himself |