Bain, Robert Nisbet. National influences in Bohemian and Polish Literature. The Cambridge Modern History. 11:653-60. Bibliography, p. 922. Cambridge. 1908.
Biographical Dictionary of the Library of the World’s Best Literature, Ancient and Modern. Charles Dudley Warner, editor. 31 vs. Contains among others, biographical notices of these Bohemian authors: Emanuel Bozdech, Svatopluk Cech, FrantiŠek Lad. CelakovskÝ, John Amos KomenskÝ (Comenius), Josef DobrovskÝ, Josef VÁclav Fric, VÍtezslav HÁlek, Karel HavlÍcek (BorovskÝ), Boleslav JablonskÝ (Karel Eugen TupÝ), Bohumil Janda, Alois JirÁsek, Jaroslav Kalina, Josef Kalousek, Josef Vlastimil Kamaryt, VÁclav Kliment Klicpera, Josef JirÍ KolÁr, Jan KollÁr, Karel Hynek MÁcha, Ferdinand Bretislav Mikovec, Otakar MokrÝ, Boena NemcovÁ, Jan Neruda, FrantiŠek PalackÝ, Pavel Josef ŠafarÍk, Julius Zeyer. The International Society. New York. 1896.
Augustine Herrman and his Map of Virginia and Maryland. Portrait by Himself
Herrman is the first known Bohemian immigrant to America
[Click image to enlarge.]
Bohemian Classics. School edition. Readers for the teaching of the Bohemian language in American High Schools, Colleges, etc. V. 1. Tale by A. V. ŠmilovskÝ; v. 2. Bohemian Folk-lore. Bohemian text; English introduction. Arranged by J. V. Nigrin. Bohemian Literary Society of Chicago. 1916.
Botta, Anne C. Lynch. Handbook of Universal Literature, from the best and latest authorities. The Bohemian Language and Literature, pp. 373-75. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston. 1883.
Bowring, Sir John. (WÝbor z bÁsnictwÍ ceskÉho.) Cheskian Anthology. Being a history of the Poetical Literature of Bohemia, with translated specimens. 16º. 270 pp. Rowland Hunter. St. Paul’s Church-Yard. London. 1832.
—— Manuscript of the Queen’s Court. A collection of old Bohemian lyrico-epic songs, with other ancient Bohemian poems. Translated. 12º. London. 1843.
HavlÍcek, Karel. Gleanings of Epigrams of ——, translated by Jaroslav J. Zmrhal. English-Bohemian Memorial, published on the occasion of the unveiling of a monument to —— in Chicago, July 30, 1911.
Kopta, Flora P. Bohemian Legends and other Poems. 8º. 183 pp. William R. Jenkins. New York. 1896.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, editor. Poems of Places. Switzerland and Austria. Moldava, the river, by James Gates Percival, p. 227; The Student of Prague, by Karl Immermann, translated by J. C. Mangan, pp. 230-33; Battle of Prague, translated by H. W. Dulken, p. 234; The Old Clock of Prague, by Josiah Gilbert Holland, pp. 236-38; The Beleaguered City, by H. W. Longfellow, pp. 238-40; On the River Tepl, Bohemia, by R. E. Egerton-Warburton, p. 248; J. R. Osgood & Co. Boston. 1877.
LÜtzow, Count. A History of Bohemian Literature. 8º. 425 pp. D. Appleton & Company. New York. 1899.
Machar, J. S. Magdalen. Authorized translation, by Leo Wiener. 257 pp. Mitchell Kennerley. New York. 1916.
Morfill, Richard William. The Dawn of European Literature. Slavonic Literature. 16º. 264 pp. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London. 1883.
Selver, P. An Anthology of Modern Bohemian Poetry. 12º. 128 pp. Henry J. Drane. London. 1912.
Sonnenschein, W. S. Best Books. Slavonic Philology and Literature, p. 638. London. 1887.
Talvj (pseud. of Theresa Alberta Louisa von Jacobi, Mrs. Robinson). Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations; with a sketch of their popular poetry. Preface by Edward Robinson. History of the Czekhish or Bohemian language and literature, pp. 147-211. 8º. 412 pp. G. P. Putnam. New York. 1850.
Vickers, Robert H. Martyrdoms of Literature. 8º. 456 pp. Sassawa, pp. 70-73; John Hus, pp. 120-22; Bohemia, Ferdinand I., pp. 203-12; Bohemia, Ferdinand II., pp. 295-313. Charles H. Sergel & Co. Chicago. 1891.
Wratislaw, A. H. (Lyra Czecho-SlowanskÁ.) Bohemian Poems, Ancient and Modern; translated from the original Slavonic, with an introductory essay. 16º. 120 pp. John W. Parker. London. 1849.
—— Patriotism: an ancient lyrico-epic poem, translated from the original Slavonic (Bohemian), with introduction. 8º. 20 pp. Whittaker and Co. London. 1851.
—— Manuscript of the Queen’s Court. A collection of old Bohemian lyrico-epic songs, with other ancient Bohemian poems. Translated. Polyglotta KrÁlodvorskÉho Rukopisu. F. RivnÁc. Prague. 1876.
—— The Native Literature of Bohemia in the Fourteenth Century. Four lectures delivered before the University of Oxford on the Ilchester Foundation. 8º. 174 pp. Geo. Bell & Sons. London. 1878.
Bohemian National Hymn (Kde domov muj.) Translated. Chicago University Settlement Song Book; same, Charities. New York. 13:205. 1904.
Bowring, Sir John. History of Bohemian Literature. Review of Joseph Jungmann’s Historie literatury CeskÉ. Foreign Quarterly Review. London. 2:146-48-74. 1828.
—— Ancient Bohemian Ballads. Westminster Review. London. 12:304-21. Apr., 1830. Commentary on the Queen’s Court MS.; a collection of old Bohemian Lyrico-Epic Songs, with other ancient Bohemian poems. Discovered and published by Wenceslaus Hanka and translated by Wenceslaus Aloys Swoboda.
Bohemian and Slovak Literature. History of ——. 31 pp. Westminster Review. London. 112:413. 1879.
Blind, K. Vicissitudes and Literature of Bohemia. National Quarterly Review. New York. 24:1. 1871.
Capek, Thomas. Revival of the Bohemian Language. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Oct., 1892.
—— Hapsburgs and the Bohemian Language. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. June, 1893.
—— The Decline and Rise of Bohemian Letters. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Sept. and Oct., 1893.
Cech, Svatopluk. Songs of the Slave. Third Song, translated by Jan Havlasa. Osveta AmerickÁ. Omaha. Aug. 5, 1908.
—— Songs of the slave. Translated by Otto Kotouc. KomenskÝ, Organ of the Federation of KomenskÝ Educational Clubs. Omaha. 4:1. 1912; 4:481-82; other Songs in Poet Lore. Boston. 27:114-16. 1916.
CermÁk, B. Bohemian Literature. AthenÆum. London. 2:8; 1888-89. 2:9; 1889-90. 2:10; 1890-91.
Fairfield, A. R. Slavonic Literature. Academy. London. 24:344. 1883. Review of R. W. Morfill’s Slavonic Literature.
Farnham, Amos W. Bohemia, Bohemia. A poem adapted to the music of Maryland, My Maryland. Oswego Daily Times. Sept. 27, 1916.
Gregor, Frances. Bohemian Novelists. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Sept. and Oct., 1892.
Gurowski, A. de. Slavic Languages and Literatures. North American Review. Boston and New York. 71:329-59. 1850. Review of Talvj’s Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations.
HÁlek, VÍtezslav. Evening Songs. Translated by Libbie A. Breuer. University of Texas Magazine. Austin. Jan., 1911. Feb., 1912.
—— Evening Songs. Translated by Otto Kotouc. Poet Lore. Boston. 27:716-18. 1916.
Literature of Bohemia. Westminster Review. London. 116:372-91. 1881.
LÜtzow, Count. Ancient Bohemian Poetry. New Review. London. 16:181. 1897.
—— The Literature of Bohemia. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. 21:207-22. London. 1900.
Machar, J. S. The Passing of Satan. A poem. Translated by J. J. KrÁl. The Truth Seeker. New York. Mar., 1901.
—— A Fantastic Ballad. Translated by Otto Kotouc. KomenskÝ, Organ of the Federation of KomenskÝ Educational Clubs. Omaha. 2:2. 1910.
—— On Golgotha. Translated by Otto Kotouc. Poet Lore. Boston. 28:485-87. 1917.
Marchant, Francis P. An Outline of Bohemian Literature. The Anglo-Russian Literary Society. The Imperial Institute. London. Pp. 48-75. Proceedings of Feb., Mar., Apr., 1911.
Neruda, Jan. An Ancient Cottage. (StarÁ chatrc.) A poem translated by Libbie A. Breuer. The New South. Dallas. May, 1912.
Nigrin, Jaroslav Victor. Teaching of Bohemian in (American) High Schools and Colleges. The Bohemian Review. Chicago. 1:11. June, 1917.
Periodical Press of Bohemia. Illustrated. Review of Reviews. New York. 31:85-6. Jan., 1905.
Political and Social Poetry among the Czechs. Review of Reviews. New York. 47:358-59. Mar., 1913.
Sclavonic Traditional Poetry, in a letter to ... Zaboy, Slawoy, and Ludeck. A Sclavonian Tale. Translated from the Bohemo-Sclavonian Dialect. Blackwood’s Magazine. Edinburgh. 10:145-51. Sept., 1821.
SlÁdek, Josef V. A Handful of Bohemian Heather. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Feb., 1893.
Talvj (Mrs. Robinson). Slavonic Popular Poetry. North American Review. Boston and New York. 43:85-120. 1836.
Tille, VÁclav. Bohemian Literature. AthenÆum. London. 1891-92, 2:6, July 2; 1892-93, 2:8, July 1; 1893-94, 2:8, July 7; 1896-97, 2:8, July 3; 1897-98, 2:11; 1899-1900, 2:6-7, July 7; 1900-01, 2:10-11, July 6; 1901-02, 2:8, July 5; 1902-03, 2:8, July 4; 1903-04, 2:296-97, Sept. 3.
VrchlickÝ, Jaroslav. An Arabic Motive. Translated by Jan Havlasa. Osveta AmerickÁ. Omaha. Oct. 7, 1908.
Ward, A. W. Bohemian Literature in the 14th Century. Macmillan’s Magazine. London. 38:40-48. 1878.