Chap. I.—I. General notes on poisonous animals 1
II. General classification of poisonous snakes. Their anatomo-physiological characters 3
Chap. II.— Habits of poisonous snakes. Their capture 17
Chap. III.— Description of the principal species of poisonous snakes. Their geographical distribution 22
A. Europe 22
B. Asia, Dutch Indies and Philippine Islands 30
C. Africa 57
D. Australia and adjacent large islands 81
E. America 100
F. HydrophiidÆ (sea-snakes) 131
G. Geographical distribution of the principal genera of poisonous snakes in the five divisions of the world 142
Chap. IV. Secretion and collection of venom in snakes 147
Chap. V. Chemical study of snake-venoms 159
Chap. VI. Physiological action of snake-venoms 168
A. Physiology of poisoning in man and in animals bitten by the different species of poisonous snakes (ColubridÆ, ViperidÆ, HydrophiidÆ) 168
B. Physiology of experimental poisoning 170
C. Determination of the lethal doses of venom for different species of animals 173
D. Effects of venom in non-lethal doses 177
Chap. VII. Physiology of poisoning (continued). Effects of the various venoms on the different tissues of the organism 179
(1) Action upon the liver 182
(2) Action upon the kidney 183
(3) Action upon the spleen, heart and lungs 183
(4) Action upon the striated muscles 184
(5) Action upon the nervous centres 185
Chap. VIII. Physiology of poisoning (continued). Action of venoms on the blood 188
A. Effects of venom on the coagulation of the blood 188
I. Coagulant venoms 190
II. Anticoagulant venoms

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