Before beginning a description of the tunnel work, it may be well to set out in some detail the arrangements made on the surface for conducting the work underground. All the work was carried on from two shafts, one at Eleventh Avenue and 32d Street, New York City—called the Manhattan Shaft—and one at Baldwin Avenue, Weehawken, N. J.—called the Weehawken Shaft. The characteristics of the two sites were radically different, and called for different methods of handling the transportation problem. The shaft site at Manhattan is shown on Plate XXX. It will be seen that there was not much room, in fact, the site was too cramped for comfort; the total area, including the space occupied by the old foundry, used for power-houses, offices, etc., was about 3,250 sq. yd. This made it necessary to have two stages, one on the ground level for handling materials into the yard, and an overhead gantry on which the excavated materials were handled off the premises. The yard at Weehawken was much larger; it is also shown on Plate XXX. Its area was about 15,400 sq. yd. in the yard proper, and there was an additional space of about 750 sq. yd. alongside the wharf at the "North Slip," on the river front, connected with the main portion of the yard by an overhead trestle. All the cars at Manhattan were moved by hand, but at Weehawken two electric locomotives with overhead transmission were used. Power-House Plant.At the Manhattan Shaft the power-house plant was installed on the ground floor of the old foundry building which occupied the north side of the leased area. This was a brick building, quite old, and in rather a tumble-down condition when the Company took possession, and in consequence it required quite a good deal of repair and strengthening work. The first floor of the building was used by the contractor as offices, men's quarters, doctor's offices, and so on, and on the next one above, which was the top floor, were the offices occupied by the Railroad Company's field engineering staff. On the Weehawken side, the plant was housed in a wooden-frame, single-story structure, covered with corrugated iron. It was rectangular in plan, measuring 80 by 130 ft. At both sides of the river the engines were bedded on solid concrete on a rock foundation. The installation of the plant on the Manhattan side occupied from May, 1904, to April, 1905, and on the Weehawken side from September, 1904, to April, 1905. Air pressure was on the tunnels at the New York side on June 25th, 1905, and on the Weehawken side on the 29th of the same month. The plants contained in the two power-houses were almost identical, there being only slight differences in the details of arrangement due to local conditions. A list of the main items of the plant at one power-house is shown in Table 2.
The following is a short description of each item of plant in Table 2: Boilers.—At each shaft there were three 500-h.p., water-tube boilers, Class F (made by Sterling and Company, Chicago, Ill.). They had independent steel stacks, 54 in. in diameter and 100 ft. above grate level; each had 5,000 sq. ft. of heating surface and 116 sq. ft. of grate area. The firing was by hand, and there were shaking grates and four doors to each furnace. Under normal conditions of work, two boilers at each plant were able to supply all the steam required. The average working pressure of the steam was 135 lb. per sq. in. The steam piping system was on the loop or by-pass plan. The diameter of the pipes varied from 14 in. in the main header to 10 in. in the body of the loop. The diameter of the exhaust steam main increased from 8 in. at the remote machines to 20 in., and then to 30 in., at the steam separator, which in turn was connected with the condensers. A pipe with an automatic relief valve from the exhaust to the atmosphere was used when the condensers were shut down. All piping was of the standard, flanged extra-heavy type, with bronze-seated gate-valves on the principal lines, and globe-valves on some of the auxiliary ones. There was an 8-in. water leg on the main header fitted with a Mason-Kelly trap, and other smaller water traps were set at suitable intervals. PLATE XXIX. TRANS. AM. SOC. CIV. ENGRS. VOL. LXVIII, No. 1155. HEWETT AND BROWN ON PENNSYLVANIA R. R. TUNNELS: NORTH RIVER TUNNELS. Each boiler was fitted with safety valves, and there were automatic release valves on the high-and low-pressure cylinders of each compressor, as well as on each air receiver. Buckwheat coal was used, and was delivered to the bins on the Manhattan side by teams and on the Weehawken side by railroad cars or in barges, whence it was taken to the power-house by 2-ft. gauge cars. An average of 20 tons of coal in each 24 hours was used by each plant. The water was taken directly from the public service supply main. The daily quantity used was approximately 4,000 gal. for boiler purposes and 4,400 gal. for general plant use. Wooden overhead tanks having a capacity of 14,000 gal. at each plant served as a 12-hour emergency supply. Feed Pumps.—There were two feed pumps at each plant. They had a capacity of 700 cu. ft. per min., free discharge. The plungers were double, of 6-in. diameter, and 10-in. stroke, the steam cylinders were of 10-in. diameter and 10-in. stroke. An injector of the "Metropolitan Double-Tube" type, with a capacity of 700 cu. ft. per min., was fitted to each boiler for use in emergencies. The feed-water heater was a "No. 9 Cochrane," guaranteed to heat 45,000 lb. of water per hour, and had a total capacity of 85.7 cu. ft. It was heated by the exhaust steam from the non-condensing auxiliary plant. Condenser Plant.—There were two surface condensers at each plant. Each had a cooling surface sufficient to condense 22,500 lb. of steam per hour, with water at a temperature of 70° Fahr. and barometer at 30 in., maintaining a vacuum of 26 in. in the condenser. Each was fitted with a Blake, horizontal, direct-acting, vacuum pump. Circulating-Water Pumps.—Two circulating-water pumps, supplying salt water directly from the Hudson River, were placed on the wharf. They were 8-in. centrifugal pumps, each driven by a 36-h.p., General Electric Company's direct-current motor (220 volts and 610 rev. per min.), the current being supplied from the contractor's power-house generators. The pumps were run alternately 24 hours each at a time. Those on the Manhattan side were 1,300 ft. from the power-house, and delivered their water through a 16-in. pipe; those on the Weehawken side were 450 ft. away, and delivered through a 14-in. pipe. There was also a direct connection with the city mains, in case of an accident to the salt-water pumps. Low-Pressure Compressors.—At each plant there were three low-pressure compressors. These were for the supply of compressed air to the working chambers of the subaqueous shield-driven tunnels. They were also used on occasions to supply compressed air to the cylinders of the high-pressure compressors, thus largely increasing the capacity of the latter when hard pressed by an unusual call on account of heavy drilling work in the rock tunnels. They were of a new design, of duplex Corliss type, having cross-compound steam cylinders, designed to operate condensing, but capable of working non-condensing; the air cylinders were simple duplex. The steam cylinder valves were of the Corliss release type, with vacuum dash-pots. The valves in the air cylinders were mechanically-operated piston valves, with end inlet and discharge. The engines used steam at 135 lb. pressure. The high-and low-pressure steam cylinders were 14 in. and 30 in. in diameter, respectively, with a stroke of 36 in. and a maximum speed of 135 rev. per min. The two air cylinders were 23½ in. in diameter, and had a combined capacity of 35.1 cu. ft. of free air per revolution, and, when running at 125 rev. per min., each machine had an actual capacity of 4,389 cu. ft. of free air per min., or 263,340 cu. ft. per hour. The air cylinders were covered by water-jackets through which salt water from the circulating pumps flowed. A gauge pressure of 50 lb. of air could be obtained. Each compressor was fitted with an automatic speed and air-pressure regulator, designed to vary the cut-off according to the volume of air required, and was provided with an after-cooler fitted with tinned-brass tube and eight Tobin-bronze tube-plates having 809 sq. ft. of cooling surface; each one was capable of reducing the temperature of the air delivered by it to within 10° Fahr. of the temperature of the cooling water when its compressor was operated at its fullest capacity. From the after-cooler the air passed into a vertical receiver, 4 ft. 6 in. in diameter and 12 ft. high, there being one such receiver for each compressor. The receivers were tested to a pressure of 100 lb. per sq. in. The after-coolers were provided with traps to collect precipitated moisture and oil. The coolers and receivers were fitted with safety valves set to blow off at 1 lb. above the working pressure. The air supply was taken from without, and above the power-house roof, but in very cold weather it could be taken from within doors. TRANS. AM. SOC. CIV. ENGRS. VOL. LXVIII, No. 1155. HEWETT AND BROWN ON PENNSYLVANIA R. R. TUNNELS: NORTH RIVER TUNNELS. PLATE XXX. Plan of Weehawken Surface Plant and of Yard and Offices at Manhattan Shaft High-Pressure Compressors.—There was one high-pressure compressor at each plant. Each consisted of two duplex air cylinders fitted to a cross-compound, Corliss-Bass, steam engine. The two steam cylinders were 14 and 26 in. in diameter, respectively, and the air cylinders were 14¼ in. in diameter and had a 36-in. stroke. The air cylinder was water-jacketed with salt water supplied from the circulating water pumps. The capacity was about 1,100 cu. ft. of free air per min. when running at 85 rev. per min. and using intake air at normal pressure, but, when receiving air from the low-pressure compressors at a pressure of 30 lb. per sq. in., the capacity was 3,305 cu. ft. of free air per min.; receiving air at 50 lb. per sq. in., the capacity would have been 4,847 cu. ft. of free air per min. This latter arrangement, however, called for more air than the low-pressure compressors could deliver. With the low-pressure compressor running at 125 rev. per min. (its maximum speed), it could furnish enough air at 43.8 lb. per sq. in. to supply the high-pressure compressor running at 85 rev. per min. (its maximum speed); and, with the high-pressure compressor delivering compressed air at 150 lb., the combined capacity of the arrangement would have been 4,389 cu. ft. of free air per min. The air passed through a receiver, 4 ft. 6 in. in diameter and 12 ft. high, tested under a water pressure of 225 lb. per sq. in., before being sent through the distributing pipes. Hydraulic Power Pumps.—At each power-house there were three hydraulic power pumps to operate the tunneling shields. One pump was used for each tunnel, leaving the third as a stand-by. The duplex steam cylinders were 15 in. in diameter, with a 10-in. stroke; the duplex water rams were 2? in. in diameter with a 10-in. stroke. The pumps were designed to work up to 6,000 lb. per sq. in., but the usual working pressure was about 4,500 lb. The piping, which was extra heavy hydraulic, was connected by heavy cast-steel screw coup Electric Generators.—At each plant there were two electric generators supplying direct current for both lighting and power, at 240 volts, through a two-wire system of mains. They were of Type M-P, Class 6, 100 kw., 400 amperes, 250 rev. per min., 240 volts no load and 250 volts full load. They were connected direct to 10 by 20 by 14-in., center-crank, tandem-compound, engines of 150 h.p. at 250 rev. per min. A switch-board, with all the necessary fuses, switches, and meters, was provided at each plant. Lubrication.—In the lubricating system three distinct systems were used, each requiring its own special grade of oil. The journals and bearings were lubricated with ordinary engine oil by a gravity system; the oil after use passed through a "White Star" filter, and was pumped into a tank about 15 ft. above the engine-room floor. The low-pressure air cylinders were lubricated with "High Test" oil, having a flash point of 600° Fahr. The oil was forced from a receiving tank into an elevated tank by high-pressure air. When the tank was full the high-pressure air was turned off and the low-pressure air was turned on, in this way the air pressure in the oil tank equalled that in the air cylinder being lubricated, thus allowing a perfect gravity system to exist. The steam cylinders and the high-pressure air cylinders were fed with oil from hand-fed automatic lubricators made by the Detroit Lubrication Company, Detroit, Mich. "Steam Cylinder" oil was used for the steam cylinders and "High Test" oil (the same as used for the low-pressure air cylinders) for the high-pressure air cylinders. The air cylinder and steam cylinder lubricators were of the same kind, except that no condensers were necessary. The steam cylinder and engine oil was caught on drip pans, and, after being filtered, was used again as engine oil in the bearings. The oil from the air cylinders was not saved, nor was that from the steam cylinders caught at the separator. Cost of Operating the Power-House Plants.—In order to give an idea of the general cost of running these plants, Tables 3 and 4 are given as typical of the force employed and the general supplies needed
Stone-Crusher Plant.—A short description of the stone-crusher plant will be given, as it played an important part in the economy of the concrete work. In order to provide crushed stone for the concrete, the contractor bought (from the contractor who built the Bergen Hill Tunnels) the pile of trap rock excavated from these tunnels, which had been dumped on the piece of waste ground to the north of Baldwin Avenue, Weehawken, N. J. The general layout of the plant is shown on Plate XXX. It consisted of a No. 6 and a No. 8 Austin crusher, driven by an Amex, single-cylinder, horizontal, steam engine of 120 h.p., and was capable of crushing about 225 cu. yd. of stone per 10-hour day. The crushers and conveyors were driven from a countershaft, in turn driven from the engine by an 18-in. belt.
The process of crushing was as follows: The stone from the pile was loaded by hand into scale-boxes which were lifted by two derricks into the chute above the No. 6 crusher. One derrick had a 34-ft. mast and a 56-ft. boom, and was worked by a Lidgerwood steam hoister; the other had a 23-ft. mast and a 45-ft. boom, and was worked by a "General Electric" hoist. All the stone passed first through the No. 6 crusher, after which it was lifted by a bucket conveyor to a screen, placed about 60 ft. higher than and above the stone bin. The screen was a steel chute pierced by 2½-in. circular holes, and was on a slope of about 45°; in order to prevent the screen from choking, it The cars used were 3-cu. yd. side-dump, with flap-doors, and were hauled by two steam Dinky locomotives. The average force employed was:
Owing to the constant break-down of machinery, chutes, etc., inseparable from stone-crushing work, there was always at work a repair gang consisting of either three carpenters or three machinists, according to the nature of the break-down. The approximate cost of the plant was:
The cost of the crushed stone at Weehawken amounted to about $0.91 per cu. yd., and was made up as follows:
The crushed stone at the Manhattan Shaft cost about $1.04 per cu. yd., the difference of $0.13 from the Weehawken cost being made up of the cost of transfer across the river, $0.08, and transport from the dock to the shaft, $0.05. Miscellaneous Plant.—The various pieces of plant used directly in the construction work, such as derricks, hauling engines, pumps, concrete mixers, and forms, will be found described or at least mentioned in connection with the methods used in construction. The tunneling shields, however, will be described now, as much of the explanation of the shield-driven work will not be clear unless preceded by a good idea of their design. Tunneling Shields.During the period in which the original contract drawings were being made, namely, in the latter part of 1903 and the early part of 1904, considerable attention was given to working out detailed studies for a type of shield which would be suitable for dealing with the various kinds of ground through which the shield-driven tunnels had to pass. This was done in order that, when the contract was let, the engineer's ideas of the requirements of the shields should be thoroughly crystallized, and so that the contractor might take advantage of this long-thought-out design, instead of being under the necessity of placing a hurried order for a piece of plant on which so much of the safety as well as of the speed of his work depended. Eventually, the contractor took over these designs as they stood, with certain minor modifications, and the shields as built and worked gave entire satisfaction. The chief points held in view were ample strength, easy access to the working face combined with ease and quickness of closing the diaphragm, and general simplicity. A clear idea of the main features of the design can be gathered from Fig. 3 and Plate XXXI. TRANS. AM. SOC. CIV. ENGRS. VOL. LXVIII, No. 1155. HEWETT AND BROWN ON PENNSYLVANIA R. R. TUNNELS: NORTH RIVER TUNNELS. Shield for Subaqueous Tunneling Shield for Subaqueous Tunneling There were no inside or outside cover-plates, the joints of the various pieces of skin plates being butt-joints covered by the overlap of adjoining plates. All riveting was flush, both inside and outside. The whole circumference of each skin plate was made up of eight pieces, each of which extended the entire length of the shield, the only circumferential joint on the outside being at the junction of the removable cutting edge (or of the hood when the latter was in position) with the shield proper. Forward of the back ends of the jacks, the shield was stiffened by an annular girder supporting the skin, and in the space between the stiffeners of which were set the 24 propelling rams used to shove the shield ahead by pressure exerted on the last erected ring of metal lining, as shown on Plate XXXI. To assist in taking the thrust of these rams, gusset-plates were placed against the end of each ram cylinder, and were carried forward to form level brackets supporting the cast-steel cutting-edge segments. The stiffening gussets, between which were placed the rams, were also carried forward as level brackets, for the same purpose. The cast-steel segmental cutting edge was attached to the front of the last mentioned plates. The interior structural framing consisted of two floors and three vertical partitions, giving nine openings or pockets for access to the face; these pockets were 2 ft. 7 in. wide, the height varying from 2 ft. 2 in. to 3 ft. 4 in., according to their location. The openings were provided with pivoted segmental doors, which were adopted because they could be shut without having to displace any ground which might be flowing into the tunnel, and while open their own weight tended to close them, being held from doing so by a simple catch. For passing through the varied assortment of ground before entering on the true sub-river silt, it was decided to adopt the forward detachable extension, or hood, which has so often proved its worth in ground needing timber for its support, as shown in Fig. 2, Plate XXIX. This hood extended 2 ft. 1 in. beyond the cutting edge, and from the top down to the level of the upper platform. Additional pieces were provided by which the hood might have been brought down as far as the lower platform, but they were not used. Special trapezoidal steel castings formed the junction between the hood and the cutting edge. The hood was in nine sections, built up of two ¾-in. and one ?-in. skin plates, as in the main body of the skin, and was supported by bracket plates attached to the forward ends of the ram chambers. The hoods were bolted in place, and were removed and replaced by regular cutting-edge steel castings after the shields had passed the river lines. The floors of the two platforms, of which there were eight, formed by the division of the platforms by the upright framing, could be extended forward 2 ft. 9 in. in front of the cutting edge, or 8 in. in front of the hood. This motion was given by hydraulic jacks. The sliding platform could hold a load of 7,900 lb. per sq. ft., which was equal to the maximum head of ground and water combined. The uses of these platforms will be described under the heading "Construction." The weight of the structural portion of each shield was about 135 tons. The remainder of the shield was the hydraulic part, which provided its motive force and gave the power to the segment erector. The hydraulic fittings weighed about 58 tons per shield, so that the total weight of each shield was about 193 tons. The hydraulic apparatus was designed for a maximum pressure of 5,000 lb. per sq. in., a minimum pressure of 2,000 lb., and a test pressure of 6,000 lb. The actual average pressure used was about 3,500 lb. per sq. in. There were 24 shoving rams, with a diameter of 8½ in. and stroke of 38 in. The main ram was single-acting. The packings could be tightened up from the outside without removing the ram, a thing which is of the greatest convenience, and cannot be done with the differential plunger type. Some of the chief figures relating to the shield rams, with a water pressure of 5,000 lb. per sq. in., are:
The rams developed a tendency to bend, under the severe test of shoving the shield all closed, or nearly so, through the river silt, and it is probable that it would have been better to make the pistons 10 in. in diameter instead of 8½ in. Each sliding platform was actuated by two single-acting rams, 3½ in. in diameter and having a stroke of 2 ft. 9 in. The rams were attached to the rear face of the shield diaphragm inside the box floors, and the cylinders were movable, sliding freely on bearings in the floor. The front ends of the cylinders were fixed to the front ends of the sliding platforms. The cylinder thus supported the front end of the sliding platform, and was designed to carry its half of the load on the platform. Some of the leading figures in connection with the platform rams, at a working pressure of 5,000 lb. per sq. in., are:
Each shield was fitted with a single erector mounted on the rear of the diaphragm. The erector consisted of a box-shaped frame mounted on a central shaft revolving on bearings attached to the shield. Inside of this frame there was a differential hydraulic plunger, 4 in. and 3 in. in diameter and of 48-in. stroke. To the plunger head were attached two channels sliding inside the box frame, and to the projecting ends of these the grip was attached. At the opposite end of the box frame a counterweight was attached which balanced about 700 lb. of the tunnel segment at 11 ft. radius. The erector was revolved by two single-acting rams fixed horizontally to the back of the shield above the erector pivot through double chains and chain wheels keyed to the erector shaft. The principal figures connected with the erector, assuming a water pressure of 5,000 lb. per sq. in., are:
When the shield was designed, a grip was also designed by which the erector could handle segments without any special lugs being cast on them. A bolt was passed through two opposite bolt holes in the circumferential flanges of a plate. The grip jaws closed over this bolt and locked themselves. The projecting fixed ends of the grip were for taking the direct thrust on the grip caused by the erector ram when placing a segment. It happened, however, that there was delay in delivering these grips, and, when the shield was ready to start, and the grip was not forthcoming, Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald, the Contractor's Superintendent, overcame this trouble by having another grip made. In this design, also, a self-catching bolt is placed through the segment and the grip catches the bolt. In simplicity and effectiveness in working, this new design eventually proved a decided advance on the original one, and, as a result, all the shields were fitted with the new grip, and the original design was discarded. The great drawback to the original grip was that the plate swung on the lifting bolt, and thus brought a great strain on the bolt when The operating floor from which the shield was controlled, and at which the valves were situated, was placed above the rams which rotate the erector, and formed a protection for them. The control of the shield rams was divided into four groups: the seven lower rams constituted one group, the upper five, another, and the six remaining on each side, the other two. Each group was controlled by its own stop and release valve. Individual rams were controlled by stop-cocks. The control of the sliding platform rams was divided into two groups, of which all the rams on the upper floor made one, and all those in the lower floor, the other; here, again, each group had its own stop and release valve, and individual platforms were controlled by stop-cocks arranged in blocks from which the pipes were carried to the rams. The in-and-out movements of the erector ram were controlled by a two-spindle, balanced, stop and release valve, controlled by a hand-wheel. The erector rotating rams were controlled by a similar valve, with four spindles, also operated by a single hand-wheel. Both wheels were placed inside the top shield pockets, and within easy reach of the operating platform. The hydraulic pressure was brought through the tunnel by a 2-in. hydraulic pipe. Connection with the shield was made by a flexible copper pipe, the 2-in. line being extended as the shield advanced. |