Accept, my love, as true a heart. 124.
Ah! I remember well (and how can I. 48.
Ah! my sweet sweeting! 5.
Amarantha, sweet and fair. 112.
Amid my bale I bathe in bliss. 14.
Amyntas, go! Thou art undone. 100.
And wilt thou leave me thus? 2.
Away with these self-loving lads. 24.
Celia is cruel. Sylvia, thou. 118.
Cherry ripe, ripe, ripe, I cry. 91.
Come live with me, and be my love. 50.
Cupid and my Campaspe played. 26.
Dear, if you change, I'll never choose again. 95.
Diaphenia, like the daffa-down-dilly. 46.
Dorinda's sparkling wit and eyes. 117.
Drink to me only with thine eyes. 74.
Dry those fair, those crystal eyes. 94.
Fain would I change that note. 102.
False though she be to me and love. 129.
Fame of Dorinda's conquest brought. 133.
Farewell! my joy. 96.
Faustina hath the fairest face. 66.
Foolish love is only folly. 41.
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. 92.
Go, lovely Rose. 98.
Hark! hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings. 56.
He that loves a rosy cheek. 88.
He that loves and fears to try. 30.
Help me to seek! For I lost it there. 1.
Here end my chains, and thraldom cease, 127.
How bless'd are lovers in disguise! 134.
How long shall I pine for love? 81.
I cannot change, as others do. 122.
I dare not ask a kiss. 93.
I do confess thou'rt smooth and fair. 67.
I have a mistress, for perfections rare. 99.
I lately vow'd, but 'twas in haste. 131.
I lov'd thee once, I'll love no more. 69.
I pr'ythee send me back my heart. 106.
I smile at Love, and all its arts. 126.
I wonder what those lovers mean, who say. 110.
If all the world and Love were young. 22.
If women could be fair, and yet not fond. 11.
In a maiden-time profess'd. 71.
In petticoat of green. 78.
In the merry month of May. 35.
It is not Beauty I demand. 59.
It was a beauty that I saw. 73.
Ladies, though to your conquering eyes. 116.
Like to Diana in her summer weed. 39.
Like to the clear in highest sphere. 32.
Look, Delia, how we esteem the half-blown rose. 47.
Love guards the roses of thy lips. 31.
Love is a sickness full of woes. 49.
Love me little, love me long. 101.
Love me not for comely grace. 61.
Love mistress is of many minds. 43.
Love, that liveth and reigneth in my thought. 3.
Love, when 'tis true, needs not the aid. 119.
Man is for woman made. 123.
My dear mistress has a heart. 121.
My girl, thou gazest much. 6.
My Phyllis hath the morning sun. 16.
My true-love hath my heart, and I have his. 27.
Naked Love did to thine eye. 111.
Not an angel dwells above. 125.
Now fie on foolish love, it not befits. 82.
Now thou hast loved me one whole day. 75.
O gentle Love, ungentle for thy deed! 17.
O if thou knew'st how thou thyself dost harm. 77.
Oh, what a plague is love! 64.
Once I loved a maiden fair. 105.
Over the mountains. 62.
Phylida was a fair maid. 12.
Pretty twinkling starry eyes. 42.
Ring out your bells, let mourning shews be spread. 28.
Rise, Lady Mistress! rise! 89.
Say, mighty Love, and teach my song. 132.
See, see, she wakes! Sabina wakes! 128.
Set me whereas the sun doth parch the green. 4.
Shall I come, sweet Love, to thee. 37.
Shall I like a hermit dwell. 18.
Shall I, wasting in despair. 85.
Shepherd, what's love? I pray thee tell! 20.
Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more. 55.
Since first I saw your face I resolved. 108.
Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part. 53.
Some asked me where the rubies grew. 90.
Sweetest love, I do not go. 76.
Take, O, take those lips away. 79.
Tell me, dearest, what is love? 80.
The air which thy smooth voice doth break. 115.
The lark now leaves his wat'ry nest. 97.
There is a garden in her face. 38.
Thou pretty bird, how do I see. 104.
'Tis true I never was in love. 114.
Too late, alas! I must confess. 120.
Tune on my pipe the praises of my love. 83.
Two lines shall teach you how. 8.
Two lines shall tell the grief. 7.
Weep eyes, break heart! 72.
Were I as base as is the lowly plain. 52.
What shepherd can express. 9.
When love, with unconfined wings. 113.
When thy beauty appears. 135.
Whence comes my love? O heart, disclose! 45.
While that the sun with his beams hot. 57.
Who is Sylvia? What is she. 54.
Why so pale and wan, fond lover? 107.
Why we love, and why we hate. 130.
With fragrant flowers we strew the way. 34.
Wonder not, though I am blind. 87.
Ye blushing Virgins happy are. 103.