
Alexander, W., Earl of Stirling. 77.
Anonymous. 5, 57, 59, 61, 62, 64, 66, 101, 105.
Aytoun, Sir Robert. 67.
Beaumont, Francis. 80.
Beaumont and Fletcher. 79.
Breton, Richard. 35.
Brome, Alexander. 114.
Brooke, Lord. 24.
Campion, Thomas. 37.
Carew, Thomas. 87.
Congreve, William. 128.
Constable, Henry. 46.
Cowley, Abraham, 110.
Daniel, John. 104.
Daniel, Samuel. 47.
Davenant, Sir William. 97.
Donne, Dr. John. 75.
Dowland, John. 95.
Drayton, Michael. 53.
Drummond, William. 78.
Dyer, Sir Edward. 16.
Etherege, Sir George. 116.
Farquhar, George. 134.
Field, Nathaniel. 89.
Fletcher, see Beaumont and F.
Gascoigne, George. 14.
Googe, Barnaby. 12.
Gould, Robert. 118.
Granville, George. 127.
Greene, Robert. 39.
Greville, Fulke, Lord Brooke. 24.
Habington, William. 103.
Harrington, Sir John. 45.
Herrick, Robert. 90.
Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey. 3.
Hughes, John. 133.
Hume, Capt. Tobias. 102.
Jonson, Ben. 73.
King, Bp. Henry. 94.
Lodge, Thomas. 31.
Lovelace, Richard. 112.
Lyly, John. 26.
Marlowe, Christopher. 50.
Middleton, Thomas. 71.
Motteux, Peter Anthony. 123.
Oldmixon, John. 131.
Oxford, Earl of. 9.
Parnell, Thomas. 135.
Peele, George. 17.
Philips, Ambrose. 130.
Prior, Matthew. 124.
Raleigh, Sir Walter. 18.
Randolph, Thomas, 99.
Rochester, Earl of. 120.
Sackville, Charles, Earl of Dorset. 117.
Sedley, Sir Charles, 119.
Shakespeare, William. 54.
Sherburne, Sir Edmund. 111.
Sidney, Sir Philip. 27.
Southwell, Robert. 43.
Stanley, Thomas. 115.
Stirling, Earl of. 77.
Suckling, Sir John. 106.
Surrey, Earl of. 3.
Sylvester, J. 52.
Turberville, George. 6.
Vanbrugh, Sir John. 125.
Vaughan, Henry. 100.
Vere, E., Earl of Oxford, 9.
Waller, Edmund. 98.
Watson, Thomas. 34.
Watts, Dr. Isaac. 132.
Weelkes, Thomas. 96.
Wilmot, John. 120.
Wither, George. 85.
Wootton, John. 83.
Wyatt, Sir Thomas. 1.

Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co.
Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London.


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