[Encouraging Settling in Jamaica.]
For the encouraging of Planters in His Majesties Island of Jamaica in the West-Indies.
Charles R.
We being fully satisfied, that Our Island of Jamaica, being a pleasant and most fertile soyl, and scituate commodiously for Trade and Commerce, is likely, through Gods blessing, to be a great Benefit and Advantage to this and other Our Kingdoms and Dominions, have thought fit, for encouraging of Our Subjects, as well such as are already upon the said Island, as all others that shall transport themselves thither, and Reside and Plant there, to declare and publish, And We do hereby declare and publish, That Thirty Acres of Improveable Lands shall be granted and allotted to every such Person, Male, or Female, being Twelve years old or upwards, who now Resides, or within Two years next ensuing, shall Reside upon the said Island, and that the same shall be assigned and set out by the Governor and Council within Six weeks next after notice shall be given in Writing, subscribed by such Planter or Planters, or some of them, in behalf of the rest, to the Governor, or such Officer as he shall appoint in that behalf, signifying their resolutions to Plant there, and when they intend to be on the place. And in case they do not go thither within Six moneths then next ensuing, the said Allotment shall be void, and free to be assigned to any other Planter; And that every person and persons to whom such Assignment shall be made, shall hold and enjoy the said Lands, so to be assigned, and all Houses, Edifices, Buildings, and Inclosures, thereupon to be built or made, to them and their Heirs for ever, be and under such Tenure as is usual in other Plantations subject unto Us. Nevertheless they are to be obliged to serve in Arms upon any Insurrection, Mutiny, or Foreign Invasion; and that the said Assignments and Allotments shall be made and confirmed under the publick Seal of the said Island, with power to create any Mannor or Mannors, and with such convenient and suitable Priviledges and Immunities as the Grantee shall reasonably devise and require; And a draught of such Assignments shall be prepared by Our Learned Council in the Law, and delivered to the Governor to that purpose; And that all Fishings and Piscaries, and all Copper, Lead, Tin, Iron, Coals, and all other Mines (except Gold and Silver) within such respective Allotments, shall be enjoyed by the Grantees thereof, reserving only a Twentieth part of the Product of the said Mines to Our use. And we do further publish and declare, That all Children of any of Our Natural born Subjects of England to be born in Jamaica, shall from their respective Births be reputed to be, and shall be free Denizens of England, and shall have the same Priviledges to all Intents and Purposes as Our Free-born Subjects of England; And that all Free persons shall have liberty without Interruption, to transport themselves and their Families, and any their Goods (except only Coyn and Bullions) from any of Our Dominions and Territories to the said Island of Jamaica. And we do straitly charge and command all Planters, Soldiers, and others upon the said Island, to yield obedience to the lawful Commands of Our Right Trusty and Welbeloved Thomas Lord Windsor, now Our Governor of the said Island, and to every other Governor thereof for the time being, under pain of Our displeasure, and such penalties as may be inflicted thereupon.
Given at Our Court at Whitehal the Fourteenth day of December, 1661. In the Thirteenth year of Our Reign.[1]
God save the King.
London, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1661.
2 pp. folio. There are two issues, varying slightly in set-up. Copies in Adv., Antiq., Bodl., B. M., Camb., Ch., Crawf., Dalk., Dubl., Guild., Hodg., P. R. O., Q. C., T. C. D., and in N. Y. Historical Society. Entered on Patent Rolls. Printed in "Interesting Tracts relating to the Island of Jamaica," 1800, pp. 135, 136, and in preface to "Laws of Jamaica," 1792.