1667, August 23.


[Recalling Dispensations of Navigation Act.]



For recalling Dispensations, with some Clauses in the Acts for Encouragement and Increasing of Shipping and Navigation, and of Trade.

Charles R.

Whereas We by an Order in Council[2] of the Two and twentieth day of March, One thousand six hundred sixty four, have dispenced for some time with certain Clauses in the late Acts of Parliament for Encouraging and Increasing of Shipping and Navigation, and for the Encouragement of Trade; and therein also Declared, That when We should think fit to determine that Dispensation, We would by Our Royal Proclamation give Six moneths notice thereof, to the end no Merchant, or other Person therein concerned should be surprised. In order whereunto, We taking the same into consideration, have thought fit (with the advice of Our Privy Council) to publish this Our Royal Proclamation; and do hereby Declare, That the said Order of the Two and twentieth of March, One thousand six hundred sixty four, and all and every the Dispensations, Clauses, Matters, and things therein contained, shall from and after the end of six moneths next ensuing the Date of this Proclamation, Cease, Determine, and be Void to all intents and purposes whatsoever; Whereof all Persons concerned are to take notice, and to conform themselves accordingly.

Given at Our Court at Whitehall the 23. day of August, 1667. In the Nineteenth year of Our Reign.

God Save The King.

In the Savoy, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1667.

1 p. folio. Copies in Antiq., Bodl., B. M., Camb., Ch., Crawf., Dalk., Guild., P. C., P. R. O., Q. C., and T. C. D. Entered on Patent Rolls.


[1] There is a series of documents in the Public Record Office regarding the publication of this proclamation in Barbadoes (see abstracts in Cal. State Papers, Colonial, 1661-1668, pp. 97, 103).

[2] Since this order does not appear among the printed Acts of the Privy Council, 1613-1680, it is here noted. On March 22, 1665, it was ordered that the "Act for encouraging and encreasing of Shipping and Navigation" should be suspended so far as concerned commerce with Norway and the Baltic Sea, also with Germany, Flanders, or France, provided the merchants and owners were English natural-born subjects. The order further allowed the merchants of any nation in amity with England to import hemp, pitch, tar, masts, saltpeter, and copper, paying only such duties as were imposed by the Act of Tonnage and Poundage. The clauses relating to America follow:

"And His Majesty doth further Order, That notwithstanding the said Act for Encouraging and encreasing of Shipping and Navigation, and one other Act made in the said Parliament begun at Westminster the eighth day of May in the thirteenth year of His Majesties Reign, intituled [An Act for the Encouragement of Trade] or either of them, or any Clause or Clauses in them, or either of them to the contrary, It shall and may be lawful for any English Merchants, and they are hereby authorised, freely and without interruption, to make use of, and employ any Foreign Ships or Vessels whatsoever, Navigated by Mariners or Seamen of any Nation in Amity with His Majesty, for importing or exporting of Goods and Commodities, to or from any Port in England or Wales, to or from any of His Majesties Plantations.

"Provided, That no Goods or Commodities whatsoever, be by them imported into any of His Majesties said Plantations, but what shall be without fraud, Laden and Shipped in England or Wales, and thence directly carried, and from no other place to His Majesties said Plantations.

"Provided also, That such Goods and Commodities as shall be by them laden or taken on Board at His Majesties said Plantations, or any of them, be brought directly from thence to some of His Majesties said Ports in England or Wales. And all Governours, and Officers of the Customs are hereby charged and required, strictly to observe all Rules, Directions and Orders for taking of Bonds or other Securities, and exacting all Forfeitures, and Penalties by the said Acts or either of them required or enjoyned: save only in the Two Clauses concerning English Ships or English Mariners herein before dispensed with.

"And lastly, His Majesty doth declare, That this shall continue and be in force during His Majesties pleasure: And when His Majesty shall think fit to determine the Dispensation hereby granted, He will by His Royal Proclamation give six moneths notice thereof, To the end no Merchant or other person herein concerned, may be surprized."

This order in Council was printed as a broadside by John Bill and Christopher Barker, and copies of it are in Antiq., B. M., Crawf., P. R. O., and Q. C.



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