1606, August 23.


[Transporting of Women and Children to Foreign Parts.]


A Proclamation touching Passengers.

Whereas in the first Session of our Parliament holden at Westminster the nineteenth day of March in the yeere of our raigne of England, France and Ireland the first, and of Scotland the seven and thirtieth; It was amongst other things Enacted, That no woman nor any childe under the age of one and twenty yeeres (Except Saylers or Shipboyes or Apprentice, or Factor of some Merchant in trade of Merchandize) should bee permitted to passe over the Seas, except the same should be by licence of us, our Heires or Successors, or some sixe or more of our privy Councell, thereunto first had under their handes, upon paine that the Officers of the Port that should willingly or negligently suffer any such to passe, or should not enter the names of such Passengers licenced, should forfeit his Office, and all his goods and Chattels, And upon paine that the owner of any Ship or Vessell, that should wittingly or willingly cary any such over the Seas, without licence as is aforesaid, should forfeit his Ship or Vessell, and all the Tackle, And every Master or Mariner, of or in any such Ship or Vessell, offending as is aforesaid, should forfeit all their goods, and suffer imprisonment by the space of twelve moneths without Baile, or Maineprise, As by the saide Acte of Parliament amongst other things may more at large appeare:[1]

And whereas many such our Subjects, That is to say, Women and persons under the age of twenty and one yeeres, have from time to time just and necessary causes and occasions to goe and passe over the Seas, In which cases for every such women and persons under the age of twenty and one yeeres to obteine such licence, either from our selves, or from sixe of our said Privy Counsel according to the said Law, is very inconvenient, and almost impossible; Wee have therefore thought convenient, for the ease as well of our selfe and our said Counsell, as of such of our Subjects as are of the condition mentioned in the saide Acte of Parliament, to graunt our Commission to persons of trust in certaine Ports of our Realme, lying most apt and convenient for passage, That is to say, London, the Cinque Ports, Harwich, Yarmouth, Hull, and Waymouth, to licence such women and persons under the age of twenty and one yeeres, as shall have just cause to passe out of our Realme, upon due examination had of them, to passe without perill to themselves, or the Officers of our said Ports, Notwithstanding the said Statute or anything therein conteined, And we have thought it fit to give publique knowledge hereof to al our Subjects, and to all our Officers whom it may concerne, to the ende they may know what shall bee lawfull for them to doe in those cases.

Given at the Castle of Farneham the xxiii. day of August, in the fourth yeere of our Reigne of Great Britaine, France and Ireland.

God Save the King.

Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. 1606.

1 p. folio. Copies in Antiq., B. M., Crawf., P. R. O., and Q. C. Entered on Patent Rolls. Printed, in Barker's "Booke of Proclamations," p. 133.


[1] This Act, entitled "An Acte for the due Execution of the Statutes againste Jesuits, Seminarie Priestes Recusants &c.," is printed in Statutes of the Realm, iv. 1021, 1 James I, ch. 4, sec. 7.



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