[Banishing Vagabonds to Newfoundland and West Indies.] BY THE KING. A Proclamation for the due and speedy execution of the Statute against Rogues, Vagabonds, Idle, and dissolute persons. Whereas at a Parliament holden at Westminster in the nine and thirtieth yeere of the Reigne of his Majesties late deare Sister deceased Queene Elizabeth, a profitable and necessary Law was made for the repressing of Rogues, Vagabonds, idle and dissolute persons, And where to the end that no impediment might be to the due and full execution of the same Law, his Highnesse Privie Councell, according to the power to them in that behalfe given by the sayd Law, have by their Order assigned places and parts beyond the Seas, unto which such incorrigible or dangerous Rogues should according to the same Lawe be banished and conveyed, as by the Order in that behalfe made, and under this present Proclamation particularly mentioned and set downe, more at large appeareth: His Majestie purposing (for the universall good of the whole Realme) to have the same Law duely and fully executed, doth by advice of his Privie Councell require all Justices of Peace, Maiors, Given at his Majesties Mannour of Woodstocke the seventeenth day of September, 1603, in the first yeere of his Highnesse Reigne of England, France, and Ireland, and of Scotland the seven and thirtieth. God Save the King. The Order. Forasmuch as it hath appeared unto us aswell by our owne viewes in our travailes in this present Progresse of his Majestie, as also by good and credible information from divers and sundrie partes of the Realme, that Rogues grow againe and increase to bee incorrigible, and dangerous not onely to his Majesties loving Subjects abroad, but also to his Majestie and his Honourable Houshold and attendants in and about his Court, which growing partly through the remissenes of some Justices of the Peace, and other Officers in the Countrey, and partly for that there hath beene no Suite made for assigning some place beyond the Seas, to which such incorrigible or dangerous Rogues might bee banished, according to the Statute in that behalfe made: We therfore of his Majesties privie Councel, whose names are hereunto subscribed, finding it of necessitie to reforme great abuses, and to have the due execution of so good and necessarie a Law, doe according to the power limitted unto us by the same Statute, hereby Assigne and thinke it fit and expedient, that the places and partes beyond the Seas to which any such incorrigible or dangerous Rogues shall bee banished and conveyed according to the said Statute, shall bee these Countries and places following, viz. The New-found Land, the East and West Indies, France, Germanie, Spaine, and the Low-countries, or any of them. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. Anno 1603. 2 pp. folio. Copies in Antiq., B. M., Crawf., P. R. O., and Q. C. Entered on Patent Rolls. Printed in Rymer's "Foedera," xvi, 554, and in Barker's "Booke of Proclamations," p. 44. FOOTNOTES: |