THE ROSE AND THE NIGHTINGALE (Gul and Bulbul) HISTORY OF THE FORTY VEZIRS INTRODUCTION The World’s Greatest Literature THE Masterpieces of the World’s Greatest Authors in History, Biography, Philosophy, Economics, Politics; Epic and Dramatic Literature, History of English Literature, Oriental Literature (Sacred and Profane), Orations, Essays. Sixty-one Crown Octavo Volumes :: :: :: ILLUSTRATED WITH FRONTISPIECES, EACH A MASTER Editors L I B R A R Y C O M M I T T E E Sword Dance in a CafÉ Photogravure from the original painting by Jean LÉon GÉrÔme, exhibited in the Paris Salon, 1888 This fine picture is a thoroughly characteristic specimen of the work of the most popular of modern French artists. Oriental subjects especially attracted him, as he had an eye for striking figures and brilliant colors. He died January 10, 1904. Sword Dance in a CafÉ Photogravure from the original painting by Jean LÉon GÉrÔme, exhibited in the Paris Salon, 1888 THIS fine picture is a thoroughly characteristic specimen of the work of the most popular of modern French artists. Oriental subjects especially attracted him, as he had an eye for striking figures and brilliant colors. He died January 10, 1904. TURKISH LITERATURECOMPRISING