Words, Phrases and Noteworthy Sayings.


From the Greek, Latin and Modern Languages.

A bas (Fr.). Down, down with.

ab initio (L.). From the beginning.

ab ovo (L.). From the egg, from the beginning.

ad captandum vulgus (L.). To attract or please the rabble.

ad infinitum (L.). To infinity.

ad libitum (L.). At pleasure.

ad nauseam (L.). To disgust or satiety.

ad rem (L.). To the purpose, or point.

ad valorem (L). According to the value.

aequo animo (L.). With an equable mind, with equanimity.

affaire d' amour (F.). A love affair.

affaire d'honneur (F.). An affair of honor; a duel.

affaire du coeur (Fr.). An affair of the heart.

a fortiori (L.). With stronger reason.

À la mode (Fr.). According to the custom or fashion.

alter ego (L.). My other self.

alma mater (L.). Gracious mother; the college of which one is a graduate.

amende honorable (Fr.). Satisfactory apology; reparation.

amor patriae (L.). Love of country.

amour propre (Fr.). Self-love; vanity.

anno domini (L.). In the year of our Lord.

ante meridiem (L.). Before noon.

a posteriori (L.). Reasoning from effect to cause.

a priori (L.). Reasoning from cause to effect.

apropos (Fr.). Suited to the occasion.

argumentum ad hominem (L.). An argument to the individual man, i.e., to his interests and prejudices.

ars est celare artem (L.). It is true art to conceal art.

ars longa, vita brevis (L.). Art is long, life is short.

artium magister (L.). Master of Arts.

au contraire (Fr.). On the contrary.

au courant (Fr.). Fully acquainted with matters.

au fait (Fr.). Well acquainted with; expert.

aurea mediocritas (L.). The golden or happy mean.

au revoir (Fr.). Adieu until we meet again.

autant d'hommes, autant d'avis (Fr.). So many men, so many minds.

aut CÆsar aut nullus (L.). Either CÆsar or nobody.

aut vincere aut mori (L.). Either to conquer or to die; death or victory.

Baccalaureus in artibus (L). Bachelor of Arts (B.A.).

beau ideal (Fr.). An ideal beauty.

beau monde (Fr.). The fashionable world.

bel esprit (Fr.). A person of wit or genius; a brilliant mind.

bÊte noire (Fr.). A black beast; a bugbear.

bis dat qui cito dat (L.). He gives twice who gives quickly.

bon ami (Fr.). Good friend.

bon jour (Fr.). Good day; good morning.

bon soir (Fr.). Good evening.

Cacoethes loquendi, scribendi (L.). An itch for speaking, writing.

carpe diem (L.). Enjoy the present day; improve the time.

carte blanche (Fr.). A white card; full power.

casus belli (L.). The occasion or cause of war.

cela va sans dire (Fr.). That goes without saying.

c'est À dire (Fr.). That is to say.

ceteris paribus (L.). Other things being equal.

chacun À son goÛt (Fr.). Every one to his taste.

chÈre amie (Fr.). A dear (woman) friend.

chef d'oeuvre (Fr.). A masterpiece.

ci devant (Fr.). Formerly; heretofore.

comme il faut (Fr.). As it should be.

compagnon de voyage (Fr.). A travelling companion.

con amore (It.). With love; very earnestly.

corrigenda (L.). Corrections to be made.

coup d'État (Fr.). A sudden decisive blow in politics; a stroke of policy.

coup de grace (Fr.). A finishing stroke.

cui bono? (L.). For whose advantage? to what end?

cuisine (Fr.). A kitchen; cookery.

cul de sac (Fr.). The bottom of a bag; a place closed at one end.

cum grano salis (L.). With a grain of salt; with some allowance.

Debut (Fr.). First appearance.

de gustibus non est disputandum (L.). There is no disputing about tastes.

dei grati (L.). By the grace of God.

de jure (L.). From the law; by right.

de mortuis nil nisi bonum (L.). (Say nothing but good of the dead.)

de novo (L.). Anew.

deo adjuvante (L.). God assisting.

deo gratias (L.). Thanks to God.

Deo volente (L.). God willing.

de profundis (L.). Out of the depths.

dernier ressort (Fr.). A last resource.

desipere in loco (L.). To jest or be jolly at the proper time.

de trop (Fr.). Too much or too many; not wanted.

Dieu et mon droit (Fr.). God and my right.

Dieu vous garde (Fr.) God protect you.

docendo discimus (L.). We learn by teaching.

dolce far niente (It.). Sweet doing-nothing; sweet idleness.

dulce et decorum est pro patri mori (L.). It is sweet and glorious to die for one's country.

dum spiro, spero (L.). While I breathe I hope.

Ecce homo (L.). Behold the man!

Édition de luxe (Fr.). A splendid and expensive edition of a book.

Élite (Fr.). A select body of persons.

emeritus (L.). Retired after long service.

en avant (Fr.). Forward.

en dÉshabillÉ (Fr.). In undress.

en masse (Fr.). In a body.

en rapport (Fr.). In harmony; in agreement.

en route (Fr.). On the way.

en suite (Fr.). In company; in a set.

entente cordiale (Fr.). Cordial understanding.

entreÉ (Fr.). Entry; a side dish.

entre nous (Fr.). Between ourselves.

e pluribus unum (L.). One out of many; one composed of many.

esprit de corps (Fr.). The animating spirit of a collective body, as a regiment.

et cetera (L.). And the rest.

et tu, Brute! (L.). And thou also, Brutus!

eureka (Gr.). I have found it.

exceptio probat regulam (L.). The exception proves (or tests) the rule.

exceptis excipiendis (L). The due exceptions being made.

exempli grati (L.). By way of example.

ex pede Herculem (L.). From the foot we recognize him as a Hercules; we judge of the whole from the specimen.

experientia docet stultos (L.). Experience instructs fools.

extra muros (L.). Beyond the walls.

ex uno disce omnes (L.). From one judge of all the rest.

Facile princeps (L.). Easily pre-eminent; indisputably the first.

facilis est descensus averni (or averno) (L.). The descent to avernus (or hell) is easy.

fait accompli (Fr.). A thing already done.

faux pas (Fr.). A false step.

festina lente (L.). Hasten slowly.

fiat justitia, ruat cÆlum (L.). Let justice be done though the heavens should fall.

fiat lux (L.). Let there be light!

fidei defensor (L.). Defender of the faith.

fide non armis (L.). By faith, not by arms.

fides Punica (L.). Punic or Carthaginian faith; treachery.

fidus Achates (L.). Faithful Achates; a true friend.

finem respice (L.). Look to the end.

finis coronat opus (L.). The end crowns the work.

flagrante delicto (L.). In the commission of the crime.

fortiter in re (L.). With firmness in acting.

fortuna favet fortibus (L.). Fortune favors the bold.

GarÇon (Fr.). A boy; a waiter.

gardez bien (Fr.). Take good care.

gaudeamus igitur (L.). So let us be joyful.

Gloria in Excelsis (L.). Glory to God in the highest.

Gloria Patri (L.). Glory be to the Father.

gnothi seauton (Gr.). Know thyself.

grace À Dieu! (Fr.). Thanks to God!

grand merci (Fr.). Many thanks.

Hoi polloi (Gr.). The many; the vulgar; the rabble.

homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto (L.). I am a man; I count nothing human indifferent to me.

honi soit qui mal y pense (O. Fr.). Evil be to him who evil thinks.

hors de combat (Fr.). Out of the struggle; disabled.

humanum est errare (L.). To err is human.

Ibidem (L.). At the same place (in a book).

ich dien (Ger.). I serve.

id est (L.). That is; contracted to i.e.

impedimenta (L.). Baggage.

imperium in imperio (L.). A government or rule within another.

index expurgatorius (L.). A list of prohibited books.

in esse (L.). In being; in actuality.

in extenso (L.). At full length.

in extremis (L.). At the point of death.

infra dignitatem (L.). Below one's dignity.

in loco parentis (L.). In the place of a parent.

in medias res (L.). Into the midst of things.

in memoriam (L.). To the memory of; in memory.

in perpetuum (L.). For ever.

in posse (L.). In possible existence; in possibility.

in prÆsenti (L.). At the present moment.

in propria persona (L.). In one's own person.

in re (L.). In the matter of.

in situ (L.). In its original situation.

in statu quo (L.). In the former state.

inter alia (L.). Among other things.

inter nos (L.). Between ourselves.

in toto (L.). In the whole; entirely.

intra muros (L.). Within the walls.

in vino veritas (L.). There is truth in wine; wine discloses the secrets of the breast.

ipse dixit (L.). He himself said it; a dogmatic assertion.

ipsissima verba (L.). The very words.

ipso facto (L.). In the fact itself.

Jacta est alea (L.). The die is cast.

jeu de mots (Fr.). A play on words.

jeu d'esprit (Fr.). A display of wit; a witticism.

jure divino (L.). By divine law.

juste milieu (Fr.). The golden mean.

Labor omnia vincit (L.). Labor conquers everything.

laissez faire (Fr.). Let alone; suffer to have its own way.

lapsus calami, — linguae, — memoriae (L.) A slip of the pen, tongue, memory.

lares et penates (L.). Household gods.

laudator temporis acti (L.). One who praises the past.

le beau monde (Fr.). The fashionable world.

le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle (Fr.). The game is not worth the candle; the object is not worth the trouble.

lÉse majestÉ (Fr.). High treason.

l'homme propose, et Dieu dispose (Fr.). Man proposes and God disposes.

limÆ labor et mora (L.). The labour and delay of the file; the slow and laborious polishing of a literary composition.

loco citato (L.). In the place cited.

lusus naturÆ (L.). A sport or freak of nature.

Ma chÈre (Fr.). My dear (fem.).

ma foi (Fr.). Upon my faith.

magnum bonum (L.). A great good.

magnum opus (L.) A great work.

mal À propos (Fr.). Ill timed.

mal de mer (Fr.). Sea-sickness.

mal de tÊte (Fr.). Headache.

mauvaise honte (Fr.). False modesty.

mauvais goÛt (Fr.). Bad taste.

medio tutissimus ibis (L.). In a medium course you will be safest.

mega biblion, mega kakon (Gr.). A great book is a great evil.

me judice (L.). I being judge; in my opinion.

memento mori (L.). Remember death.

mens sana in corpore sano (L.). A sound mind in a sound body.

menu (Fr.). A bill of fare.

meum et tuum (L.). Mine and thine.

mirabile dictu, (visu) (L.). Wonderful to relate, (to see).

modus operandi (L.). Manner of working.

mon ami (Fr.). My friend (masc.).

mon cher (Fr.). My dear (masc.).

more suo (L.). In his own way.

multum in parvo (L.). Much in little.

mutatis mutandis (L.). The necessary changes being made.

Necessitas non habet legem (L.). Necessity has no law.

nÉe (Fr.). Born; maiden name.

nemine dissentiente (L.). No one dissenting; without a dissenting voice.

nemo me impune lacessit (L.). No one assails me with impunity.

ne plus ultra (L.). Nothing further; perfection.

nihil ad rem (L.). Nothing to the point.

nihil quod tetigit non ornavit (L.). He touched nothing without embellishing it.

nil admirari (L.). To be astonished at nothing; not to lose mental balance.

nil desperandum (L.). There is no reason for despair.

n'importe (Fr.). It matters not.

noblesse oblige (Fr.). Rank imposes obligations.

nolens volens (L.). Willing or unwilling.

nolle prosequi (L.). To abandon prosecution.

nom de guerre (Fr.). A war name; a pseudonym; a pen name.

nom de plume (Fr.). A pen name. (Incorrect for nom de guerre.)

non compos mentis (L.). Not of sound mind.

non omnia possumus omnes (L.). We cannot, all of us, do everything.

non sequitur (L.). It does not follow.

nota bene (L.). Mark well.

Obiit (L.). He, or she, died.

oeuvres (Fr.). Works.

omnia vincit amor (L.). Love conquers all things.

on dit (Fr.). They say; people say.

onus probandi (L.). The burden of proof.

ora et labora (L.). Pray and work.

o tempora! o mores! (L.). Alas for the times! Alas for the manners!

otium cum dignitate (L.). Ease with dignity.

Pace (L.). Not to give offence to. — pace tua, with your consent.

palmam qui meruit ferat (L.). Let him who has won the palm wear it.

par excellence (Fr.). By way of eminence; preËminently.

pari passu (L.). With equal pace; step for step.

particeps criminis (L.). Accomplice in a crime.

parvenu (Fr.). An upstart.

passim (L.). Everywhere.

pax vobiscum (L.). Peace be with you.

per capita (L.). By the head; on each person.

per se (L.). By itself considered; of itself.

poeta nascitur, non fit (L.). A poet is born, not made.

pour prendre congÉ (Fr.). To take leave.

prima facie (L.). On the first face; at first sight.

pro aris et focis (L.). For our altars and hearths.

pro bono publico (L.). For the good of the public.

pro patria (L.). For native land.

protÉgÉ (Fr.). One protected by another.

Quantum mutatus ab illo (L.). How changed from what he once was.

quantum sufficit (L.). As much as suffices; a sufficient quantity.

quelque chose (Fr.). Something; a trifle.

quid pro quo (L.). Something in return; an equivalent.

quod erat demonstrandum (L.). Which was to be proved.

quot homines, tot sententiae (L.). Many men, many minds.

Raison d'Être (Fr.). The reason for a thing's existence.

rara avis (L.). A rare bird.

recherchÉ (Fr.). Choice, elegant.

reductio ad absurdum (L.). Reduction to an absurdity.

requiescat in pace (L.). May he, she, rest in peace.

resurgam (L.). I shall rise again.

revenons À nos moutons (Fr.). Let us return to our sheep; let us return to our subject.

ruat cÆlum (L.). Let the heavens fall.

Sang froid (Fr.). Cold blood.

sans peur et sans reproche (Fr.). Without fear and without reproach.

sans souci (Fr.). Without care.

sartor resartus (L.). The tailor patched or mended.

sauve qui peut (Fr.). Let him save himself who can.

savoir faire (Fr.). The knowing how to act; tact.

sÉance (Fr.). A sitting.

semper idem;—paratus (L.). Always the same, always ready.

sic semper tyrannis (L.). Ever so to tyrants.

sic transit gloria mundi (L.). Thus passes away the glory of this world.

similia similibus curantur (L.). Like things are cured by like.

si monumentum quÆris, circumspice (L.). If you seek his monument, look around you.

sine die (L.). Without a day being appointed.

sine qua non (L.). An indispensable condition.

sola nobilitas virtus (L.). Virtue the only nobility.

spero meliora (L.). I hope for better things.

splendide mendax (L.). Nobly untruthful; untrue for a good object.

sponte su (L.). Of one's own accord.

suaviter in modo, fortiter in re (L.). Gentle in manner, resolute in deed.

sub judice (L.). Under consideration (by the court).

sub rosa (L.). Under the rose, privately.

sub voce (L.). Under such or such a word.

sui generis (L.). Of its own peculiar kind.

summum bonum (L.). The chief good.

suum cuique (L.). Let everyone have his own; honor to whom honor is due.

Tant mieux; tant pis (Fr.). So much the better; so much the worse.

tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis (L.). Times change, and we with them.

tempus fugit (L.). Time flies.

tenax propositi (L.). Tenacious of purpose.

terra firma (L.). Solid earth.

terra incognita (L.). An unknown country.

tÊte-À-tÊte (Fr.). Face to face; in close conversation.

to kalon (Gr.). The beautiful.

toujours prÊt (Fr.). Always ready.

tour de force (Fr.). A feat of strength or skill.

tout-À-fait (Fr.). Wholly; entirely.

tout ensemble (Fr.). The whole taken together.

Ubi bene, ibi patria (L.). Where it is well, there is one's country.

Ultima Thule (L.). The utmost boundary or limit.

un fait accompli (Fr.). An accomplished fact.

ut infra; ut supra (L.). As below; as above.

Vade mecum (L.). Go with me; a constant companion.

vae victis (L.). Woe to the vanquished.

veni, vidi, vici (L.). I came, I saw, I conquered (Caesar's laconic message to the senate when he overcame Pharnaces, king of Pontus.)

verbatim et literatim (L.). Word for word and letter for letter.

verbum sat sapienti (L.) A word is enough for a wise man.

vÉritÉ sans peur (Fr.). Truth without fear.

via media (L.). A middle course.

vice (L.). In the place of.

vice versa (L.). The terms being exchanged.

videlicet (L.). To wit, namely (viz.).

vi et armis (L.). By force of arms.

vincit omnia veritas (L.). Truth conquers all things.

vis À vis (Fr.). Facing.

viva voce (L). By the living voice; orally.

vive le roi (Fr.). Long live the king.

voila (Fr.). Behold; there is; there are.

vox et prÆterea nihil (L.). A voice, and nothing more; sound but no sense.

vox populi, vox Dei (L.). The voice of the people is the voice of God.

vulgo (L.). Commonly.

Zeitgeist (Ger.). The spirit of the times.



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