To Greek, also, English is indebted for a considerable number of words, especially in the language of science and medicine; for the ancient physicians were commonly Greeks. Since the great revival of Greek studies in England in the 16th Century, Greek literature and art have exerted an enormous influence upon English thought and literature. Ago, I lead: strat-egy. a-dam-as (= in-dom-itable), steel: adamant, diamond (= Fr. diamant). aer, air: air (Fr.), aerial, aerate. athlos, a contest: athlete. aesthesis, perception, feeling: aesthetic, an-aesthesia. akouo, I hear: acoustics. akros, top: acro-bat, acropolis. allos, other: allo-path, par-allel. anemos, wind: anemometer. angelos, messenger: angel, ev-angel. anthropos, man: anthropoid, anthropology, mis-anthrope. arktos, a bear: arctic, antarctic. arche, beginning, rule; arch-, (prefix), chief: archetype, an-archy, archangel. aster, astron, a star: asterisk, astrology, dis-aster (Fr.), astral (Lat.). autos, self: auto-crat, auto-graph, auto-matic, auto-nomy. Ball-o, I throw; bole, throwing: dia-bol-ical, hyper-bole. bapto, dip: baptise. barus, heavy; baros, weight: barytone, barograph, barometer. basis, a going, foundation: base (Fr.), basis, basement. biblion (dimin. of biblos), book; bible, biblio-graphy, biblio-mania. bios, life: amphi-bious, bio-logy. botane, herbage, a plant: botany. bronchos, windpipe: bronchial. Character, a mark: character. cheir, hand: chiro-graphy, chiro-mancy, chiro-pod-ist, chir-urgeon. chilio- (e.g. chilio-pous), thousand: kilo-gramme and kilo-metre (Fr.). chloros, green: chlorate, chlorine. chole, bile: choler, melancholy. choros, a dance in a ring, chorus: chorus, choral, choir (Fr.). chrio, anoint: Christ, chrism (holy oil). chronos, time: chronic, chronicle, chronometer, ana-chronism. Daimon, divinity, spirit: demoniac. deka, ten: decade, deca-logue. demos, the people: demo-crat, dem-agogue, epi-demic. derma (dermat-), skin: epi-dermis, hypo-dermic, pachy-dermatous. despotes, lord: despotic, despotism. diaita, mode of living: diet (Fr.). diskos, quoit: disc, dish and desk. dogma, doxa, opinion: dogma, dogmatic, heterodox. dosis, a giving; dotos, given: dose, anti-dote, an-ec-dot-al. drao, I do: dra-ma, drastic. dromos, running: dromedary, hippo-drome, aero-drome. dunamis, power, force: dynamic. Eidos, form; eidolon, image; idea, form, look (all from id-, see): ideograph, idol, kal-eido-scope. eikon, image: icon, iconoclast. electron, amber: electric, electrify. ergon, work; en-ergeia, energy: organ-ize, en-ergetic, metall-urgy. ethnos, nation: ethnic, ethnology. eu, well; as a prefix: eucharist, euphony, euphemism, ev-angel. Gamos, marriage: mono-gamous. gaster (gastr-), stomach: gastric. gen-, beget—genos, race; genesis, origin: genea-logy, genesis, genetic. ge, the earth: ge-o-graphy, ge-o-logy, ge-o-metric. glossa (glotta), tongue: glossary, glottis, epiglottis, poly-glot. gno-sis, knowledge: gnome, gnostic. gonia, angle: diagonal, pentagon. grapho, write; gramma, writing: graphic, epi-graphy, grammar. gumnos, naked; gumnazo, I exercise: gymnasium, gymnastic. gune (gunaiko-), a woman: gyn-archy, gynaeco-logy, miso-gynist. Haima (haimato-), blood: hemal, hematite, hemorrhage, an-aemia. hairesis, a taking: heresy (Fr.). heteros, other: hetero-dox, hetero-geneous. hex, six: hex-agon, hexameter. helios, sun: heliacal, peri-helion. hemera, day: ep-hemeral. hieros, sacred; hiereus, priest: hierarchy, hieratic, hiero-glyph. hippos, horse: hippo-drome. historeo, I enquire: history (shortened in) story. (h)odos, way: ex-odus, epis-ode, met-hod, peri-od. homos, same; homoi-os, like: homo-centric, homo-geneous, hom-ily (ile, throng), homoeo-pathic. (h)orizo, define, bound: horizon. hudor, water; hydrant, hydr-aulic, hydro-gen. Idios, private, peculiar; idiotes, private person: idiom, idiot. ion, violet; iodes, dark-colored: iodide, iodine. isos, equal: iso-sceles, iso-thermal. Kakos, bad: cacography, cacophony. kalos, beautiful: calligraphy, callis-thenics (sthenos, strength). kalupto, krupto, I conceal: apo-calypse, eu-calyptus, crypt. kaustos, burnt; kauterion, a branding: caustic, cautery, cauterize. kineo, I move; kinetikos, for moving: kinetics, kinematics. kosmos, order, ornament, universe: cosmetic, cosmic, cosmo-gony. krateo, am strong, rule: auto-crat, demo-cracy, aristo-crat. kri-, to separate; krisis, a separating, deciding: crisis, critic. kuklos, wheel: cycle, cyclic, cyclone. Lab-, take; lepsis, a taking: syl-lable, epi-lepsy, cataleptic. lego, I pick out, say; lexis, speech; logos, discourse, reason: ec-lectic (ek, out of), lexi-con, dialect, logic. leipo (lip-), I leave: el-lipsis, ec-lipse. lithos, stone: lithia, lithograph. luo, I loose; lusis, a loosing: ana-lyze, dia-lysis, paralytic, (palsy is a contraction of paralysis). Mania, madness: mania, maniac, Anglo-mania. math-, learn; mathema, learning: mathematics, philo-math, poly-math. martus (martur-), a witness: martyr. mega (megal-), large; as a prefix: mega-cephalous (kephale, head), megalithic, megaphone. melas (melan-), black: melancholy. melos, song: mel-ody (ode). metron, a measure: metre, symmetry, diameter, geometric. mechane, Lat. machina: mechanic, mechanism. mikros, small: microbe (bios), micro-cosm, micro-scope. miseo, I hate: misanthrope. mne-mon-euo, I remember: mne-monics, a-mne-sty (a = not). monos, alone, one: monad, mon-arch, monk (Ang. Sax.), monastery, monopoly. morphe, shape: a-morphous, morph-ology, meta-morphose. mousa, muse: music, museum. muthos, a tale, legend: myth. Naus, a ship: nausea, nautilus, aËro-naut (nautes, sailor.) nekros, dead: necro-polis. neuron, cord, nerve: neural, neur-algia (algos, pain), neuritis. nomos, a law: eco-nomy (oikos), astro-nomy, anti-nomian. Ode, a song: ode, hymnody, parody. oikos, oikia, house; oikesis, inhabiting, dwelling: eco-nomy (Lat. oeconomia), di-ocese (= di-oikesis), parish (paroikia, Fr. par-oisse). onoma (onuma), name: syn-onym. op-, see; optika, pertaining to sight; oph-thalmos, eye: op-tics, optician, syn-opsis, synoptic, my-opia. organon, an instrument: organic. orthos, right, straight: ortho-doxy, ortho-graphy. osteon, a bone: oste-itis, osteo-pathy. oxus, sharp: oxy-gen, oxy-tone, par-oxysm. Pais (paid-), a child; paideia, training, learning: ped-agogue, pedant. pan (pant-, pas-), all: pan-acea (akos, remedy), pan-oply, (hopla, arms), pan-orama ((h)orao, see). pathos, suffering, feeling: pathology, pathetic, sympathy. pauo, I stop; pausis, cessation (Lat. pausa): pause and pose. pente, five: pent-agon, pentameter, penta-teuch (teuchos, book), Pente-cost [pentecoste = fiftieth (day)]. petra, a rock; petros, a stone: petrify and pier (Fr.), Peter, petrology, petroleum, petrescent. plasso, I mould, fashion: plastic, plasm, proto-plasm (protos, first). pleura, a rib: pleurisy, pleuritic. plege, plexis, a blow, stroke: plague (Lat. plaga), apoplexy, pleximeter. pneuma, air; pneumon, lungs: pneumatic, pneumonia, pneumatomer. poieo, I make: poet (Lat. poeta). polis, a city; polites, citizen; politeia, government: metro-polis, polity, politic, police. polus, many, poly-gon. pous (pod-), a foot: poly-pus, polyp, antipodes. praktos, done: practice. protos, first: prot-agonist, protomartyr, prototype, protoplasm. pur, fire: pyre, pyrites, pyro-latry (= worship), pyrotechnics. poleo, I sell: biblio-pole, mono-poly. phagein, to eat: sarcophagus (sarx, flesh). phaino (phan-, phen-, phas-), I show: phan-tom, phan-tasm, phant-asy = fancy (Fr.), phen-omenon, phase. phero, I bear; phora, a carrying: peri-pher-y, meta-phor, phos-phorus (phos), sema-phore, (sema, sign). phemi, I say: eu-phem-ism, blas-pheme (blapsis, injury), pro-phet. philos, dear, friend: phil-tre, philo-sophy. phone, a sound: phonic, phonetic, phono-graph, eu-phony, caco-phony, sym-phony. phos (phot-), light: phos-phor, photo-graph, photometer. phrasis, speech: phrase, peri-phrasis, para-phrase, phraseology. phren, the midriff, mind: frenzy and frantic (Fr.), phrenology. phusis, nature; phuton, a plant: physi-cal, physics, physi-o-logy, meta-physics, neo-phyte. Rheo, flow; rheuma, a flow; rhuthmos, regular motion: cata-rrh, rheumatic, rhythm. rhetor, orator: rhetoric, rhetorician. Sarx (sark-), flesh: sarcasm. sitos, food: para-site. skopeo, skept-omai, look at, consider; skop-os, watcher, mark, aim: scep-tical, scope, hor-o-scope (hora, season), epi-scop-al, bishop [epi-scop-os]. sophos, wise: sophist, philosophy. sta-, stand; sta-sis, a placing; statos, placed: ec-sta-sy, sy-ste-m (sun, together), static, hydro-statics, apo-state. stello (stol-), I send: apo-stle (= apostolos; apo, away), epi-stle. stichos, a line: di-stich, hemi-stich. stratos, army: stratagem, strategy. strophe, a turning: strophic, anti-strophe, apo-strophe, catastrophe. sphaira, a ball: sphere, atmo-sphere. schizo, split: schism, schist. schole, leisure, school: scholastic. Tax-is, arrangement; tak-tos, ordered: syn-tax, taxi-dermist. taphos, a tomb: epi-taph (epi, upon). temno, I cut; tome-, tom-os, a cutting: ana-tomy, tome (Fr.), a-tom. techne, art: tech-nic, technology. tele, afar: tele-phone. theos, God: theism, theo-cracy. thermos, hot: thermal, isothermal, thermo-meter, thermo-dynamics. the-, place; thesis, a placing; thema, proposition; the-ke, case, chest: thesis, theme, hypo-thesis, epi-thet, ana-thema. topos, a place: topic, topography, u-topia, (u = ou, not—i.e., land of No-place). toxicon, poison: toxin, anti-toxin, intoxicate. Zelos, emulation: through Fr., zeal. zoon, animal: zo-diac (zodion, dimin.), zo-ology. |