Akerly, Mrs. 240
Allison, George 244
Ames, Lucille E. 268
Avan, Clara 224
Bassford, Mrs. Mayme 236
Beam, Edith 196
Beam, Mary R. 204
Beretta, Chelice 208
Bishop, Biddle 196
Bisquer, Marceline 272
Blake, Mrs. William E. 212
Bonske, Hazel 272
Bouton, Cloy 208
Bradley, Dolores 256
Brainard, Birdie 196
Brainard, Carrie 196
Brainard, Mrs. Hattie 196
Bruce, Florence 240
Bruce-Schmidt, Mrs. Winona 244
Bruce-Wold, Mrs. Ruth 240
Bullington, Marie 272
Caldwell, Mrs. O.B. 240
Case, Mrs. J.R. 220
Caswell, Mabel 208
Champion, Rose 236
Christofferson, Jennie 236
Cianciarolo, Lucia 268
Collins, Dr. Addison 208
Collins, Mrs. Minnie M. 208
Cooke, Grace 260
Crandall, Harry 236
Crew, Josie 212
Crossett, Louisa 212
Culver, Susan 220
Cushing, Lillian 224
Davies, Alice 256
Deetkin, Marjorie 268
Derby, Hattie 224
Dickey, Lorena 244
Dobbins-Ames, Mrs. Grace E. 220
Dowdle, Everett S. 212
Dowling, Gertrude 252
Dowling, Leo 260
Drake, Mabel L. 244
Faull, Rose 196
Faull, Sophia 196
Ferguson, Dolores D. 244
Flick, George 240



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