Mrs. Margaret Blake-Alverson, 1912 | faces Title | Heirloom Jewel | faces page 4 | Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Kroh and Family, Stockton, 1852 | faces page 12 | Coat-of-Arms of the Blake Family | faces page 16 | Steamer "American Eagle," Sacramento River, 1852. Home of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Kroh, Stockton, 1853 | faces page 20 | First Presbyterian Church, Stockton, Built in 1849, the First Protestant Church in California | page 25 | Pioneer Home of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Kroh, Stockton, 1851 | page 26 | Associated Musicians and Singers, 1853 to 1879: Richard Condy, Mr. Schnable, Lizzie Fisher, Ellen Lloyd, Mary Jane Lloyd, Mrs. Anna Bowden Shattuck, Judge H.B. Underhill, Carrie Heinemann, Mrs. Taylor | faces page 28 | Business Men of Stockton, 1852: Austin Sperry, James Harrold, Wm. H. Knight, Geo. Henry Sanderson | faces page 32 | Reminiscent of Benicia in the Early Fifties: Benicia Young Ladies' Seminary, 1852; Benicia Courthouse, 1853; Prof. Jos. Trenkle, Prof. Schumacher, Prof. Beutler, Prof. Paul Pioda | faces page 36 | Masonic Sheepskin, London, England, 1811. Capt. Chas. Blake | faces page 38 | Major-General Benj. Lincoln, of the War of the Revolution | page 39 | Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Mary Kroh-Trembly, Pioneer Organist, Stockton, 1852 | page 42 | First Graduating Class, Young Ladies' Seminary, Benicia, Founded 1852: Mary E. Woodbridge, Mary Ridell, Mary Hook, Mary E. Walsh; Principal, Mary Atkins; Teachers, Sallie Knox, Kate Sherman; Pupils, Mary O'Neill, Agnes Bell | faces page 44 | First California Bear Flag, Made by Mrs. Blake-Alverson in Stockton, 1852 | page 45 | Dedham, Mass., Church Choir, 1861, Men Singers | faces page 48 | Dedham, Mass., Church Choir, 1861, Women Singers | faces page 52 | Typical Concert Programme of the Early Sixties in San Francisco. Oratorio of Samson | page 56 | Santa Cruz Choir, 1867: F.A. Anthony, Belle Peterson, Chas. A. Metti | faces page 60 | Church of the Advent, San Francisco, 1880. Roman Catholic Church, San Bernardino, 1888. Calvary Episcopal Church, Santa Cruz, 1864. Pilgrim Congregational Church, Oakland, 1893 | faces page 64 | Associated Musicians and Singers of the Seventies and to Date: Sam'l D. Mayer, Mrs. Alfred Abbey, "Joe" Maguire, Frank Gilder, Walter C. Campbell, Mrs. Augusta Lowell-Garthwaite, H.S. Stedman, Mrs. Mollie Melvin-Dewing | faces page 68 | Ministers with Whom Mrs. Blake-Alverson Has Been Associated: Rev. Dr. J.K. McLean, Rev. P.Y. Cool, Rev. V.M. Law, Rev. "Father" Akerly, Rev. Giles A. Easton | faces page 76 | Wm. H. Keith, Baritone, Pupil of Mrs. Blake-Alverson, 1881 | faces page 80 | Music House of Kohler & Chase, 1851 and 1910. Andrew Kohler, Quincy A. Chase, S.J. Bruce | faces page 84 | Heads of Pioneer Music Houses, San Francisco: William G. Badger, Matthias Gray, Julius R. Weber, C.H. McCurrie | faces page 86 | Music House of Sherman, Clay & Co. C.C. Clay, Leander S. Sherman | faces page 90 | First Church Choir in California, Stockton, 1852: Margaret R. Kroh, Sarah R. Kroh, Emma J. Kroh, Ann L. Kroh, Mary M. Kroh, Sir Geo. Henry Blake, James Holmes, Wm. W. Trembly, Wm. H. Knight | faces page 92 | Henry Clay Barnabee, Opera Singer, Associate of Mrs. Blake-Alverson in Boston, Mass., in 1861 | faces page 96 | Organists of the Early Years in San Francisco: Richard T. Yarndley, Gustav A. Scott, Chas. H. Schultz, Frederick Katzenbach | faces page 100 | Floral Tributes Presented Mrs. Blake-Alverson on Her Fiftieth Anniversary of Song Service, June 12, 1896 | faces page 108 | Pen Sketch of Mrs. Blake-Alverson, Made by Richard Partington. Sixtieth Birthday, June 12, 1896 | page 111 | Mrs. Blake-Alverson on Her Fiftieth Anniversary as a Public Singer, Sixty Years of Age, Oakland, June 12, 1896 | |   |