
1 The expedition starts. Josie. Frank Ashburningham. The mascot (a giraffe). The ship sails from Stoke Newington. Portions of the crowd which sees them off.

2 Passing the Hebrides. Off Plymouth Sound. The Mountains of Maughan. Sunrise on Popocatapetl. Icebergs off Bombay. Moonlight effects on Streatham Common. Mascot dies of tonsilitis.

3 First glimpses of unknown land. Closer acquaintance proves it to be Greenland. Josie maintains it is Iceland. The thermometer falls lower than the mercury, which therefore boils under atmospheric pressure. Mascot dies of beri-beri.

4 Crossing the ice. (Note the tracks of Josie’s high heels.) A barrier. It is removed. A snow-drift. It is removed. Mascot dies of trench feet. Warm clothing a necessity. Good old Thermos.

5 More ice. The aneroid measures only 1,437 miles from the Pole. Forward! Mascot dies of misfeasance. Josie has a touch of sunstroke. They proceed under great difficulties.

6 The rigour of the North. Nearing the Pole. Cutting it short. Four miles further. Mascot dies of aniline. Waiting for day-break. The start of the last lap. Sighting the Pole.

7 Arrival at the Pole. The Scotsman comes to greet them, and asks for a pinch of snuff. Mascot dies of erudition. The return to Blighty.


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