The Cabinet at work inventing a form to be filled in. The Red Tape Worm (Toenia Rubescens) in great form. Its bite poisons with formic acid. H.M. Stationery Office printing forms. Standing Committee sitting on forms. Man with very stern audience The Crushing Chamber for Humorists. The Lower Classes learning to count measles. A lesson in defence against offensive tactics. The casual Ward computing death duties. The Crushing Chamber for humorists. Mother of twenty (all under five) trying to remember children’s names and ages. The Upper Classes. How to evade the Law. What is a hundred pounds? What is six months in gaol? Quids or quod? Advantages of wealth. Circumventing the Inquisition. The Reformation. Forms for Bankrupts. The I.O. diform. The abstruser forms. Chloroform. End of the performance. Transformation scene. The International Correspondence College for Post-Graduate Diplomas in Form-filling. The Principal. The Secretary. Forming fours. Forty-seven thousand of the students. Lectures. Exposition of Form by Maud o’ that ilk. Formula for same. |