Transcriber's Note Page 202—the marker for footnote 2 was missing in the original. The transcriber has estimated where it should have been, based on the text and reference material therein. Page 303 includes an excerpt from Psalm 45, with quoted verse numbers of 10, 14 and 15. These should be verses 9, 13 and 14. Archaic spelling is preserved as printed. Variable spelling, hyphenation and use of accents has been made consistent where there was a clear prevalence of one form over the other, or with reference to reliable sources; otherwise, these are preserved as printed. Typographic errors, e.g. omitted, superfluous or transposed letters, and punctuation errors have been repaired. Other amendments are as follows: Plate 71—precipit amended to precepit and omitted word 'pio' added—"... Aelfled fieri precepit pio Episcopo Fridestano." Page xx—3 amended to 9—"From Layard’s “Monuments,” Series i. pl. 9." Page xxi—Edward amended to Richard—"6. Badge of Richard II." Page xxii—John amended to Mark—"St. Mark. Anglo-Saxon Book of the Gospels." Page 115—5. removed from beginning of section title, for consistency with others in that chapter, "GEOMETRICAL." Page 197—Encyclopedia amended to CyclopÆdia—"The second list is from Rees’ “CyclopÆdia” (Stitches), 1819 ..." Page 311—des AntiquitÉs amended to Royale des Antiquaires—"“... par la SociÉtÉ Royale des Antiquaires du Nord” ..." Page 316—Lwewelig amended to Wledig—"... and in the Welsh ballad of “The Dream of Maxen Wledig” ..." Page 316, footnote 502—Pallison's amended to Palliser's—"See Mrs. Palliser’s “Lace,” p. 4." Page 320—T. amended to I.—"... (see Hon. and Rev. I. Clifford’s list of embroideries in Appendix 5)." Page 331—Riario amended to Riano—"Don Juan F. Riano[533] says that Toledo is a perfect museum ..." Page 331, footnote 533—Riario amended to Riano—"See “The Industrial Arts of Spain,” pp. 250-264, by Don Juan F. Riano, ..." Page 417—350 amended to 348—"Design, ... floral, 71, 345, 348; ..." Page 417—210 amended to 109—"Embroideries, ... Egyptian, 93, 114, 130, 134, 209, 236, 271; ..." Page 419—47 amended to 46 and 308 amended to 276—"Louis XIV., 46, 247, 276, 332, 393." Page 419—167 amended to 93—"Mosaics, ... Empress Theodora's dress figured in, 41, 93; ..." Page 419—306 amended to 117—"Mosaics, ... in Sta. Maria Maggiore, 117, 322." Page 420—index entries for 'Pall' and 'Pamphile,' which originally followed the entry for 'Pattern,' have been moved to their correct places. Page 421—399 amended to 345—"Stitches, ... ecclesiastical, 345; ..." There are a number of discrepancies between the information in the list of illustrations (LOI) and the information on the plates themselves. Some of these are simple omission, others involve conflicting information. The transcriber has resolved and repaired some of these differences with reference to alternative sources. In general, it seems that the information on the plate is correct. Those that could not be resolved are as follows: Pl. 5—LOI has "Journal Asiatique, Syro-Egyptien-Phoenicien." Plate has "Journal Asiatique, Coupe de Palestrina." Pl. 9—LOI has "sixteenth century." Plate has "seventeenth century." Pl. 10—LOI has "5, 6, 7. Egyptian smooth and rippling wave pattern." Plate has "5, 6, 7. Egyptian Smooth and Rippling Water Patterns." Pl. 10—LOI has "10, 11, 14. Babylonian and Chaldean." Plate has "10, 11, 14. Assyrian." Pl. 11—LOI omits Assyrian references. Pl. 12—LOI has "2, 3. Egyptian. 4, 5. Greek." Plate has "2, 3. Indian Lotus Patterns. 4, 5. Egyptian Lotus Patterns." Pl. 15—LOI has "Book of Kells." Plate has "Lindisfarne Gospels." Pl. 20—LOI has "1, 2, 3. Assyrian. 4. Sicilian Silk. 5. MediÆval." Plate has "1, 2, 3, 5. Assyrian. 4. Sicilian Silk." Pl. 28—LOI has "1. Dress patterns from old MS. 2, 3. Old English tiles." Plate has "1, 2. Gothic tiles. 3. Gothic Border of a Dress. 4. Gothic Vine." Pl. 31—LOI omits mention of a third Egyptian fundata pattern. Pl. 32—LOI references "Bock's Lit. Gew. ii. p. 246." Plate references "Vol i. taf. xi." Pl. 35—LOI omits mention of a peacock pattern. Plate omits mention of Persian type. Pl. 41—The source of the examples are either omitted or different on the LOI to those given on the plate. Pl. 68—LOI has "sixteenth century." Plate has "fifteenth century." Pl. 70—LOI has "A.D. 434." Plate has "sixth century." Pl. 72—LOI "St. Gregory and St. John (Prophet)." Plate has "St. John" and "St. Roger." Pl. 74—LOI gives different title for Strutt's book to that given on the plate. From research, it seems that the short title is actually "The Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiqities of England." Pl. 76—LOI has "twelfth century." Plate has "XIII. century." Illustrations have been moved where necessary so that they are not in the middle of a paragraph. Some of the plates do not have numbers on the plate themselves. Alphabetic links have been added to the beginning of the index for ease of navigation. |