The following books have been consulted in the compilation of this volume:— Stow’s “Annals.” Hollinshed’s “Chronicles.” Baker’s “Chronicle.” Whitelock’s “Memorials of English Affairs.” Northuek. Macaulay’s “History of England.” Hume’s “History of England.” Lingard’s “History of England.” Craik and Macfarlane’s “Pictorial History of England.” Domesday Book. Translated by Sir Henry James. “The Chronicle of the Greyfriars.” (Camden Society.) Lyttelton’s “History of Henry II.” Gilbert Burnett’s “History of my Own Times.” State Papers. Public Record Office. MSS. from Muniment Room. Westminster Abbey. Strickland’s “Queens of England.” Riley’s “Memorials of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Centuries.” “ArchÆologia.” Stow’s “Survey of London.” (Strype.) Dean Stanley’s “History and Memorials of Westminster Abbey.” Knight’s “London.” Walford’s “London Old and New.” Wheatley’s “London Past and Present.” Timbs’ “Curiosities of London.” Larwood’s “The London Parks.” Ashton’s “Hyde Park from Domesday to Date.” Jesse’s “London: its Celebrated Characters and Remarkable Places.” Malcolm’s “Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London.” Besant’s “London in the Eighteenth Century.” Fuller’s “Worthies of England.” Drake’s “Shakespeare and His Times.” Osborne’s “Historical Memories on Reigns of Elizabeth and James I.” Ellis’s “Original Letters.” “Diary of John Evelyn.” Edited by Wheatley. “Diary of Samuel Pepys.” Edited by Wheatley. “Memoirs of the Comte de Gramont.” Trans. by M. Boyer. “Letters of the Earl of Chesterfield” (2nd). Colley Cibber’s “Apology for the Life of C. C.” Defoe’s “Narrative of Jack Sheppard.” “Thomas Brown’s Amusements, Serious and Comical.” Strutt’s “Sports and Pastimes of the People of England.” “Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.” Mrs. Eliz. Montagu’s “Lady of the Last Century.” “Letters of Horace Walpole.” Edited by Mrs. Paget Toynbee. “Letters of Lord Hervey.” “Letters of the Earl of Chesterfield (4th) to Dayrolles.” “George Selwyn and his Contemporaries.” “Some Account of the Military, Political, and Social Life of the Rt. Hon. John Manners, Marquis of Granby.” By W. Granby. Stephen’s “Literary and Social Life of the 18th Century.” “Autobiography of Madame Piozzi.” Hayward. Wraxall’s “Historical Memoirs of My Own Times.” Thackeray’s “Four Georges.” Fitzgerald Molloy’s “London under the Georges.” “Diary of the Hon. William Windham.” Edited by Mrs. Baring. “The Two Duchesses of Devonshire.” Vere Foster. “Life and Letters of Lady Sarah Lennox.” By the Countess of Ilchester. Rosebery’s “Life of Pitt.” “William Wilberforce and His Friends.” Ashton’s “When William IV. was King.” Paston’s “Sidelights on the Georgian Period.” “Journal of Charles C. F. Greville.” Cook’s “Tyburn Chronicle.” Dr. Millinger’s “History of Duelling.” Mrs. Stone’s “Chronicle of Fashion.” “Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle.” Thomas Carlyle. Kingston’s “Romance of a Hundred Years.” “Report of Historical Commission on MSS.” D’Avenant. Wilson’s “Memoirs of Wonderful Characters.” Richard Davey’s “The Pageant of London.” “The Letters of Queen Victoria.” Edited by A. C. Benson. “Treason and Plot.” By Major Martin Hume. “Calendar of Spanish State Papers.” By Major Martin Hume. Execution of Earl Ferrers.From Print in “Old and New London.” HYDE PARK: |