The Four-in-Hand Club in Hyde Park | Frontispiece | Execution of Earl Ferrars | Facingp. | 1 | Map of Westminster, illustrating Charter of King Edgar, granted to Dunstan | „ | 20 | Bathing Well in Hyde Park | „ | 32 | Henry viii. | „ | 42 | The Cheesecake House, to which the Duke of Hamilton was carried mortally Wounded | „ | 66 | Queen Henrietta Maria’s Penance at Tyburn | „ | 70 | Prostitute Drummed out of Hyde Park | „ | 111 | Tyburn Ticket, Preserved in Guildhall | „ | 128 | Drinking Well in Hyde Park | „ | 136 | Entrance to Hyde Park on a Sunday | „ | 142 | Map, 1725 | „ | 144 | Molly Lepell, afterwards Lady Hervey | „ | 148 | Map, 1746 | „ | 152 | The Original“Tattersall’s,” and St. George’s Hospital | „ | 156 | Maria Countess of Coventry, nÉe Gunning | „ | 162 | William Pitt, Earl of Chatham | „ | 167 | Marble Arch at Three o’clock in the Morning | „ | 172 | London Bridge | „ | 192 | Jack Sheppard | „ | 214 | Jonathan Wild pelted by the Mob on his Way to Tyburn | „ | 224 | The Execution of Catherine Hayes at Tyburn | „ | 232 | Camp in Hyde Park during Gordon Riots, 1780 | „ | 238 | Winter Amusements | „ | 244 | Jubilee Fair in Hyde Park, 1814, to Celebrate the Fall of Napoleon | „ | 248 | Lady Blessington | „ | 254 | Festivities on the Ice, 1857. By John Leech | „ | 258 | Cumberland Gate | „ | 260 | A Camp Kitchen | „ | 280 | An Airing in Hyde Park, 1793 | „ | 312 |