Dictionary 1. ( a.) Tending toward a yellow color, or to one of those colors, green being excepted, in which yellow is a constituent, as scarlet, orange, etc. 2. (a.) Possessing, imparting, or producing a yellow color; as, xanthic acid. 3. (a.) of or pertaining to xanthic acid, or its compounds; xanthogenic. 4. (a.) of or pertaining to xanthin.
Thesaurus aureate auric brown brownish brownish-yellow brunet buff buff-yellow canary canary-yellow chocolate cinnamon citron citron-yellow cocoa cocoa-brown coffee coffee-brown cream creamy drab dun dun-brown dun-drab ecru fallow fawn fawn-colored flaxen fuscous gilded gilt gold gold-colored golden grege hazel khaki lemon lemon-yellow lurid luteolous lutescent nut-brown ocherish ocherous ochery ochreous ochroid ochrous ochry olive-brown olive-drab or primrose primrose-colored primrose-yellow saffron saffron-colored saffron-yellow sallow sand-colored sandy seal seal-brown sepia snuff-colored sorrel straw straw-colored tan taupe tawny toast toast-brown umber umber-colored walnut walnut-brown xanthic xanthous yellow yellowish yellowish-brown |