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Laodicean Olympian aloof apathetic ataractic benumbed blah bored carefree careless casual comatose cool cosmopolitan cosmopolite dead debilitated degage desensitized detached devil-may-care disabused disappointed disenchanted disillusioned disinterested dispassionate dispirited disregardful dopey dormant droopy drugged dull easy easygoing emotionless enervated enlightened exanimate experienced fed-up free and easy good and tired heartless heavy hebetudinous heedless hopeless in a stupor inanimate inattentive incurious indifferent inert inexcitable insouciant irked jaded knowing lackadaisical languid languorous leaden lethargic life-weary lifeless light-hearted listless lumpish mature matured melancholic melancholy mindless mondaine moribund negligent nonchalant not born yesterday numb numbed offhand old passive perfunctory phlegmatic pluckless pococurante pooped practiced put straight reckless regardless resigned ripe ripened robbed of illusion sagacious sated satiated seasoned set right sick sick of slack sleepy slow sluggish somnolent sophisticate sophisticated soporific spiritless splenetic spunkless stagnant stagnating stoic stultified stupefied supercilious superior supine tired tired of tired of living tired to death torpid tried tried and true turned-off unanxious uncaring uncharmed unconcerned undeceived undiscriminating unimpressed uninterested unmindful unmoved unsolicitous unspelled vegetable vegetative veteran wan wearied weariful weary weary unto death withdrawn world-weary world-wise worldly worldly-wise


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