add a codicil aim alternativity ambition animus aplomb appetite ardor aspiration assurance attested copy behest bequeath bequeathal bequest bidding character choice choose choose to choosing co-optation co-option codicil command commandment commitment conclude concupiscence confidence control counsel crave curiosity decide decidedness decision decisiveness decree dedication definiteness desideration desideratum design desire determinateness determination determine determinedness devise devotion dictate dictation direct order discipline discretion disposition drive eagerness earnestness effect election entail execute a will fancy fantasy first choice fix fixed purpose fixity of purpose fortitude free choice free will function hand down hand on hankering hest hope horme idea imperative inclination inheritance intellectual curiosity intendment intent intention iron will leave legacy legate libido like liking longing lust for learning make a bequest make a will meaning mind moral courage moral fiber motive need nisus obstinacy order pass on passion perseverance persistence pick pining plan please pleasure pleasure principle point poise power preference preoption probate project proposal prospectus purpose purposefulness relentlessness resoluteness resolution resolve resolvedness restraint sake say-so seal see fit selection self-command self-control self-discipline self-government self-mastery self-possession self-restraint self-will seriousness settle sexual desire sincerity single-mindedness special order strength strength of mind strength of purpose striving study take a resolution temper tenacity testament the pick think fit think good think proper thirst for knowledge total commitment transmit urge velleity view volition want wanting will and bequeath will and pleasure will of iron will power will to willpower wish wish fulfillment wishes word word of command yearning

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