Dictionary ( n.) Any one of numerous species of snout beetles, or Rhynchophora, in which the head is elongated and usually curved downward. Many of the species are very injurious to cultivated plants. The larvae of some of the species live in nuts, fruit, and grain by eating out the interior, as the plum weevil, or curculio, the nut weevils, and the grain weevil (see under Plum, Nut, and Grain). The larvae of other species bore under the bark and into the pith of trees and various other plants, as the pine weevils (see under Pine). See also Pea weevil, Rice weevil, Seed weevil, under Pea, Rice, and Seed. Thesaurus Chinese windlass Dungeness crab Japanese crab Spanish windlass air a grievance bank beef bellyache bellyacher bitch bleat blue point bollix capstan cat flea chigoe clam clamor cockroach complain complainant complainer coquillage cramp crane crank crawdad crawfish crayfish crib crimp croak croaker crosspatch derrick dip dog flea erector faultfinder feather fishtail flea forklift foul up fret fret and fume frondeur fuss gantry crane grayback gripe griper groan grouch grouse grouser growl growler grumble grumbler grunt gum gum up hoist holler howl hydraulic tailgate jack jackscrew jigger kick kicker kvetch langouste lever lift lifter limpet littleneck clam lobster lodge a complaint loop louse louse up malcontent mite murmur murmurer mussel mutter mutterer nit oyster parasite periwinkle plow porpoise prawn pull out pull up push down quahog queer querulous person raise a howl reactionary reactionist rebel red bug reel register a complaint roach roll sand flea scallop shellfish shrimp sideslip skid snafu snail soft-shell crab sorehead spin spiral squawk steamer stunt tackle take on undulate vermin weevil whelk whiner winch windlass yammer yap yaw yawp yelp |