1. (v. t.) See Waive.

2. (v. i.) To play loosely; to move like a wave, one way and the other; to float; to flutter; to undulate.

3. (v. i.) To be moved to and fro as a signal.

4. (v. i.) To fluctuate; to waver; to be in an unsettled state; to vacillate.

5. (v. t.) To move one way and the other; to brandish.

6. (v. t.) To raise into inequalities of surface; to give an undulating form a surface to.

7. (v. t.) To move like a wave, or by floating; to waft.

8. (v. t.) To call attention to, or give a direction or command to, by a waving motion, as of the hand; to signify by waving; to beckon; to signal; to indicate.

9. (n.) An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from the oscillatory motion of the particles composing it when disturbed by any force their position of rest; an undulation.

10. (n.) A vibration propagated from particle to particle through a body or elastic medium, as in the transmission of sound; an assemblage of vibrating molecules in all phases of a vibration, with no phase repeated; a wave of vibration; an undulation. See Undulation.

11. (v. i.) Water; a body of water.

12. (v. i.) Unevenness; inequality of surface.

13. (n.) A waving or undulating motion; a signal made with the hand, a flag, etc.

14. (n.) The undulating line or streak of luster on cloth watered, or calendered, or on damask steel.

15. (v. i.) Fig.: A swelling or excitement of thought, feeling, or energy; a tide; as, waves of enthusiasm.

16. (n.) Woe.

Afro accost address advertise affect air ambages amplitude anfractuosity antinode barber be poised beat beat the drum betoken bicker billow blazon forth bob bobble bore bow brandish brandishing break breakers breathe bring forth bring forward bring into view bring out bring to notice careen chop choppiness chopping sea circuitousness circumambages circumbendibus circumlocution circumvolution coggle coif coiffure cold wave comb comber conk convolution crash crest crinkle crinkling curtsy dance dangle dash de Broglie wave demonstrate develop diffraction dip dirty water disclose display divulge dramatize eagre ebb and flow electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic wave emblazon embody embrace enact evidence evince exchange colors exhibit expose to view express flag flag down flap flash flaunt flaunting flexuosity flexuousness flick flicker flip flit flitter float flop flourish flourishing fluctuate flutter fly frequency frequency band frequency spectrum give a signal give sign give the nod give token glance go pitapat gravity wave greeting ground swell guided wave gutter hail hail and speak haircut hairdo hairstyle half-mast hand-clasp handshake headdress heave heavy sea heavy swell hello highlight hoist a banner hold up home permanent how-do-you-do hug illuminate in phase incarnate indicate interference intorsion involution kick kiss leer librate lift light longitudinal wave lop lurch make a sign make clear make plain manifest materialize mean meander meandering mechanical wave natural nod node nudge nutate oscillate out of phase palpitate parade peak pendulate perform period periodic wave permanent permanent wave pitch pitter-patter poke pompadour popple present process produce pulse put forth put forward radio wave raise a cry ray reel reinforcement represent resonance resonance frequency resonate reveal riffle ripple rise rise and fall rivulation rock roll roll out roller rough water salutation salute scend sea seismic wave send set forth shake shaking shingle shock wave show show forth sign signal signalize sinuation sinuosity sinuousness slat slinkiness smash smile smile of recognition snakiness sound an alarm sound the trumpet sound wave speak splutter sport spotlight sputter surf surface wave surge swag sway swell swing swinging throb tidal bore tidal wave tide wave token torsion tortility


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