1. (
n.) One who, or that which, warbles; a singer; a songster; -- applied chiefly to birds.
2. (n.) Any one of numerous species of small Old World singing birds belonging to the family Sylviidae, many of which are noted songsters. The bluethroat, blackcap, reed warbler (see under Reed), and sedge warbler (see under Sedge) are well-known species.
3. (n.) Any one of numerous species of small, often bright colored, American singing birds of the family or subfamily Mniotiltidae, or Sylvicolinae. They are allied to the Old World warblers, but most of them are not particularly musical.
Heldentenor Meistersinger Philomel alto aria singer avifauna baby bird baritenor baritone bass basso basso buffo basso cantante basso profundo bird bird of Jove bird of Juno bird of Minerva bird of night bird of passage bird of prey birdie birdlife birdy blues singer bulbul cage bird canary cantatrice cantor caroler chanter chantress chick coloratura soprano comic bass contralto countertenor crooner cuckoo cygnet deep bass diva diving bird dove dramatic soprano eagle eaglet feathered songster fish-eating bird fledgling flightless bird fowl fruit-eating bird fulmar game bird heroic tenor hymner improvisator insect-eating bird lark lead singer lieder singer mavis melodist mezzo-soprano migrant migratory bird mockingbird nestling nightingale opera singer oriole oscine bird owl passerine bird peacock peafowl peahen perching bird pigeon prima donna psalm singer ratite ringdove rock-and-roll singer sea bird seed-eating bird shore bird singer singing bird singstress song sparrow songbird songster songstress soprano squab storm petrel stormy petrel swan tenor thrush torch singer vocalist vocalizer voice wading bird water bird waterfowl wildfowl yodeler