Dictionary 1. (a.) Capable of being wounded; susceptible of wounds or external injuries; as, a vulnerable body\.2. (a.) Liable to injury; subject to be affected injuriously; assailable; as, a vulnerable reputation. Thesaurus aidless answerable for apt to assailable attackable beatable breakable brittle brittle as glass capable of conquerable crackable crisp crispy crumbly crushable defenseless delicate dependent on exposed to expugnable fatherless fissile flimsy fracturable fragile frail frangible friable friendless guideless helpless in danger of incident to lacerable leaderless liable to likely to motherless naked to obliged to open to penetrable pregnable prone to ready for responsible for scissile shatterable shattery shivery splintery standing to subject to surmountable susceptive to unfriended unprotected untenable vincible weak within range of |