Dictionary 1. ( n.) One who vouches, or gives witness or full attestation, to anything. 2. (n.) A book, paper, or document which serves to vouch the truth of accounts, or to confirm and establish facts of any kind; also, any acquittance or receipt showing the payment of a debt; as, the merchant's books are his vouchers for the correctness of his accounts; notes, bonds, receipts, and other writings, are used as vouchers in proving facts. 3. (n.) The act of calling in a person to make good his warranty of title in the old form of action for the recovery of lands. 4. (n.) The tenant in a writ of right; one who calls in another to establish his warranty of title. In common recoveries, there may be a single voucher or double vouchers.
Thesaurus CD IOU MO acceptance acceptance bill acknowledgment acquittance advocacy advocating advocation affidavit attestant attestation attestator attester authority authorization bank acceptance bank check bill bill of draft bill of exchange bill of health blank check bystander canceled check certificate certificate of character certificate of deposit certificate of proficiency certification certified check character character reference check checkbook cheque cojuror commercial paper compurgator credential debenture demand bill demand draft deponent deposition diploma discharge draft due bill earwitness exchequer bill eyewitness informant informer letter of credit letter of introduction money order navicert negotiable instrument notarized statement note note of hand paper passerby patronage postal order promissory note quittance receipt receipt in full recommend recommendation reference release sheepskin sight bill sight draft spectator swearer sworn statement testamur testifier testimonial ticket time bill time draft trade acceptance treasury bill visa vise warrant warranty witness |