Dictionary 1. ( n.) A living being sacrificed to some deity, or in the performance of a religious rite; a creature immolated, or made an offering of. 2. (n.) A person or thing destroyed or sacrificed in the pursuit of an object, or in gratification of a passion; as, a victim to jealousy, lust, or ambition. 3. (n.) A person or living creature destroyed by, or suffering grievous injury from, another, from fortune or from accident; as, the victim of a defaulter; the victim of a railroad accident. 4. (n.) Hence, one who is duped, or cheated; a dupe; a gull.
Thesaurus also-ran babe beasts of venery big game boob booby butt byword byword of reproach casualty chump cinch credulous person cull defeatee derision duck dupe easy mark easy pickings fair game fall guy figure of fun fish fool game game loser gazingstock goat gobe-mouches good loser good sport greener greenhorn greeny gudgeon gull hard-luck guy hardcase innocent jest jestingstock joke kill laughingstock leadpipe cinch loser mark martyr mockery monkey object of compassion offering patsy pigeon plaything poor devil poor unfortunate prey prize sap pushover quarry sacrifice sad sack sap saphead scapegoat schlemiel schlimazel sitting duck sport stock stooge sucker sufferer sure loser target the hunted the vanquished toy trusting soul underdog unfortunate venery wretch |