Dictionary (n.) The porch or entrance into a house; a hall or antechamber next the entrance; a lobby; a porch; a hall.Thesaurus Eustachian tube access adit air lock antechamber anteroom anvil approach auditory apparatus auditory canal auditory meatus auditory nerve auditory ossicles auditory tube auricle basilar membrane bony labyrinth cauliflower ear cochlea conch concha corridor drumhead ear ear lobe eardrum endolymph entrance entrance hall entranceway entry entryway external ear foyer galilee gangplank gangway hall hammer in incus ingress inlet inner ear intake lobby lobe lobule lug malleus mastoid process means of access middle ear narthex opening organ of Corti outer ear oval window passage passageway perilymph pinna portal portico propylaeum round window secondary eardrum semicircular canals shell stapes stirrup stoa threshold tympanic cavity tympanic membrane tympanum way way in |