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achievable actable adaptable advantageous appliable applicable applied appropriate attainable balanced banausic beneficial breadwinning businesslike commercial commodious commonsense compassable compliant constructive convenient cool coolheaded doable down-to-earth ductile earthy effective effectual efficacious efficient empirical employable everyday expedient exploitable feasible field fitting flexible foolproof functional go good for handy hard hard-boiled hard-nosed hardheaded helpful hoaxproof judicious levelheaded logical malleable manageable maneuverable manipulable manipulatable materialistic matter-of-fact moneymaking mundane negotiable not born yesterday of general utility of help of service of use old old-time operable operatable operational operative ordinary overcomable performable personal philosophical pliable pliant positivistic practicable practical-minded practiced pragmatic pragmatical proper prosaic rational realist realistic realizable reasonable reusable sane scientific scientistic seasoned secular sensible serviceable skilled sober sober-minded sophisticated sound sound-thinking straight-thinking superable surmountable tough-minded tractable uncullible undeceivable undeludable undupable unfoolable ungullible unhoaxable unideal unidealistic unromantic unseduceable unsentimental untroublesome usable useable useful utilitarian utilizable versed vet veteran viable virtual well-balanced wieldable wieldy wise workable workaday workday working worldly yielding


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