◄ Unrewardingly ►

abomination affection ailing ailment amiss apocalyptic atrocity bad badly baleful bane baneful befoulment below par black blight bodeful boding complaint condition corruption criminal critically ill crying evil damage damaging dark defilement deleterious despoliation destruction detriment detrimental dire disadvantageously disagreeable disagreeably discourteous disease disorder disrespectful doomful down dreary evil evil-starred evilly faint faintish fateful feeling awful feeling faint feeling something terrible foreboding gloomy grievance harm havoc hurt hurtful ill-boding ill-bred ill-fated ill-mannered ill-omened ill-starred impertinent impolite improper in danger inaccurate inauspicious incline inconveniently indisposed inexpedient infection inferior infirmity inhospitable inhospitably inimical injurious injury invalid laid low lowering malady malevolent menacing mischief mortally ill not quite right of evil portent off-color ominous out of sorts outrage peccant poison pollution portending portentous rocky rude seedy sick sick unto death sickish sickness sinful sinister somber syndrome taken ill the worst threatening toxin unadvantageously unaffectionate unaffectionately unamiable unamiably unbenign unbenignant unbenignantly unbenignly uncompassionate uncompassionately uncompassioned uncordial uncordially under the weather unfavorable unfortunate unfriendly ungenial ungenially ungracious ungraciously unhandily unhealthy unkind unkindly unloving unlovingly unlucky unpleasant unprofitably unpromising unpropitious unrewardingly unskillful unsympathetic unsympathetically unsympathizing untoward unwell uselessly venom vexation vicious wicked with difficulty woe wrong wrongly


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