Dictionary 1. ( a.) Not equal; not matched; not of the same size, length, breadth, quantity, strength, talents, acquirements, age, station, or the like; as, the fingers are of unequal length; peers and commoners are unequal in rank. 2. (a.) Ill balanced or matched; disproportioned; hence, not equitable; partial; unjust; unfair. 3. (a.) Not uniform; not equable; irregular; uneven; as, unequal pulsations; an unequal poem. 4. (a.) Not adequate or sufficient; inferior; as, the man was unequal to the emergency; the timber was unequal to the sudden strain. 5. (a.) Not having the two sides or the parts symmetrical.
Thesaurus assorted asymmetric at odds at variance broken capricious careening catchy changeable changing choppy contrary contrasted contrasting departing desultory deviating deviative deviatory different differentiated differing disaccordant disagreeing disconnected discontinuous discordant discrepant discrete discriminated disjoined disorderly disparate disproportionate dissimilar dissonant distant distinct distinguished divaricate divergent diverging divers diverse diversified diversiform eccentric erose erratic fitful flickering fluctuating guttering halting herky-jerky heteroclite heterogeneous ill-matched ill-sorted illegal immethodical impulsive in disagreement inaccordant inadequate incompatible incongruous inconsistent inconsonant inconstant inequitable inharmonious iniquitous insufficient intermittent intermitting irreconcilable irregular jagged jerky lurching many mercurial mismatched motley multifarious mutable nonconformist nonstandard nonsymmetrical nonuniform odd off-balance out of proportion overbalanced patchy pluralistic poles apart poles asunder ragged rambling rough scrappy separate separated several skew skewed snatchy spasmatic spasmic spasmodic spastic sporadic spotty staggering unalike unbalanced uncertain unconformable undeserved undue unequable unequitable uneven unjust unlawful unlike unmeet unmerited unmethodical unmetrical unorthodox unregular unrhythmical unrightful unsettled unsimilar unstable unsteady unsymmetrical unsystematic ununiform variable variant varied variegated variform various varying veering wandering wavering widely apart wobbling wobbly worlds apart wrong wrongful |