◄ Tympanum ►

1. (n.) The ear drum, or middle ear. Sometimes applied incorrectly to the tympanic membrane. See Ear.

2. (n.) A chamber in the anterior part of the syrinx of birds.

3. (n.) One of the naked, inflatable air sacs on the neck of the prairie chicken and other species of grouse.

4. (n.) The recessed face of a pediment within the frame made by the upper and lower cornices, being usually a triangular space or table.

5. (n.) The space within an arch, and above a lintel or a subordinate arch, spanning the opening below the arch.

6. (n.) A drum-shaped wheel with spirally curved partitions by which water is raised to the axis when the wheel revolves with the lower part of the circumference submerged, -- used for raising water, as for irrigation.

Eustachian tube allantoic membrane amnion amniotic sac anvil arachnoid membrane auditory apparatus auditory canal auditory meatus auditory nerve auditory ossicles auditory tube auricle basement membrane basilar membrane bongo drum bony labyrinth cauliflower ear cochlea conch concha conga conjuctiva drum drumhead drumskin drumstick ear ear lobe eardrum endolymph external ear hammer hymen incus inner ear jazz stick kettle kettledrum lobe lobule lug maidenhead malleus mastoid process membrana serosa membrana tympana membrane membranophone meninges meninx middle ear neurilemma organ of Corti outer ear oval window pellicle pericardium perilymph perineurium pinna pleura round window secondary eardrum semicircular canals serosa shell side drum snare snare drum stapes stirrup tabor taboret tabret tam-tam tambourine tenor drum timbrel timpani tom-tom troll-drum tymp stick tympan tympanic cavity tympanic membrane tympanon velum vestibule war drum


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