Dictionary 1. (a.) Having tubercles; affected with tubercles; tubercled; tuberculate.2. (a.) Like a tubercle; as, a tubercular excrescence. 3. (a.) Characterized by the development of tubercles; as, tubercular diathesis. Thesaurus allergic anemic apoplectic arthritic bilious burled cancerous chlorotic colicky consumptive dropsical dyspeptic edematous encephalitic epileptic gnarled gnarly knobbed knobby knoblike knotted knotty knurled knurly laryngitic leprous luetic malarial malignant measly nephritic neuralgic neuritic nodal noded nodiform nodular nodulated noduled nubbled nubbly nubby palsied paralytic phthisic pleuritic pneumonic pocky podagric rachitic rheumatic rickety scorbutic scrofulous studded tabetic tabid torose tuberculous tuberose tuberous tumorigenic tumorous |