◄ Transition ►

1. (n.) Passage from one place or state to another; charge\; as, the transition of the weather from hot to cold.

2. (n.) A direct or indirect passing from one key to another; a modulation.

3. (n.) A passing from one subject to another.

4. (n.) Change from one form to another.

about-face accommodation adaptation adjustment alchemy alteration amelioration apostasy assimilation assumption becoming betterment break change change of heart change-over changeableness communication conduction constructive change contagion continuity convection conversion defection degeneration degenerative change delivery deportation deterioration development deviation diapedesis difference diffusion discontinuity dissemination divergence diversification diversion diversity evolution export exportation expulsion extradition fitting flip-flop gradual change growth import importation improvement interchange lapse melioration metamorphosis metastasis metathesis metempsychosis migration mitigation modification modulation mutation mutual transfer naturalization osmosis overthrow passage passing over perfusion progress qualification radical change re-creation re-formation realignment reconversion redesign reduction reform reformation remaking renewal reshaping resolution restructuring reversal revival revivification revolution shift spread spreading sudden change switch switch-over total change transduction transfer transfer of property transference transformation transfusion transit translation translocation transmigration transmigration of souls transmission transmittal transmittance transmutation transplacement transplantation transposal transposition travel turn turnabout turning into upheaval variation variety violent change volte-face worsening


Transit Theodolite
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