1. (n.) A written discourse or dissertation, generally of short extent; a short treatise, especially on practical religion.

2. (v.) Something drawn out or extended; expanse.

3. (n.) A region or quantity of land or water, of indefinite extent; an area; as, an unexplored tract of sea.

4. (v.) Traits; features; lineaments.

5. (n.) The footprint of a wild beast.

6. (v.) Track; trace.

7. (v.) Treatment; exposition.

8. (v.) Continuity or extension of anything; as, the tract of speech.

9. (v.) Continued or protracted duration; length; extent.

10. (v.) Verses of Scripture sung at Mass, instead of the Alleluia, from Septuagesima Sunday till the Saturday before Easter; -- so called because sung tractim, or without a break, by one voice, instead of by many as in the antiphons.

11. (v. t.) To trace out; to track; also, to draw out; to protect.

Alleluia Anamnesis Benedicite Blessing Canon Collect Communion Consecration Credo Dismissal Epistle Fraction Gloria Gloria Patri Gloria in Excelsis Gospel Gradual Holy Grail Host Introit Kyrie Kyrie Eleison Last Gospel Lavabo Magnificat Miserere Nunc Dimittis Offertory Paternoster Pax Pieta Post-Communion Preface Sanctus Sanctus bell Sangraal Secreta Te Deum Tersanctus Tract Trisagion Vedic hymn alleluia answer anthem antiphon antiphony ark asperger asperges aspergillum bambino beadroll beads candle canticle censer chant chaplet chorale ciborium cross crucifix cruet doxology eucharistial hallelujah holy cross holy water holy-water sprinkler hosanna hymn hymn of praise hymnody hymnography hymnology icon incensory laud mantra matzo menorah mezuzah mikvah monstrance motet offertory offertory sentence osculatory ostensorium paean paschal candle pax phylacteries prayer shawl prayer wheel psalm psalmody pyx relics report response responsory rood rosary sacramental sacred relics sacring bell shofar sukkah tabernacle tallith thurible urceole veronica versicle vigil light votive candle


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