1. (n.) A tower.

2. (n.) A going round; a circuit; hence, a journey in a circuit; a prolonged circuitous journey; a comprehensive excursion; as, the tour of Europe; the tour of France or England.

3. (n.) A turn; a revolution; as, the tours of the heavenly bodies.

4. (v. t.) anything done successively, or by regular order; a turn; as, a tour of duty.

5. (v. i.) To make a tour; as, to tour through a country.

air lane ambit anchor watch antenna tower assignment barbican beat belfry bell tower bit booking borscht circuit bout campaign campanile circle circuit colossus column continuous tenure course cruise cupola cycle date day shift derrick dogwatch dome drive engagement enlistment excursion expedition fare fire tower flight path full circle full time globe-trot go go abroad go on safari go overseas grand tour graveyard shift half time hit the trail hitch itinerary jaunt journey junket lantern lap lighthouse line lobster trick loop make a journey make a pilgrimage make a trip martello martello tower mast minaret monument night shift obelisk observation tower orbit outing overtime package tour pagoda part time path perambulation peregrinate peregrination pilaster pilgrim pilgrimage pillar pinnacle playing engagement pleasure trip pole primrose path prison term progress pylon pyramid ramble range the world relay revolution road round round trip roundabout rounds route rubberneck rubberneck tour run safari sally sea lane shaft shift shoot shortcut sight-see skyscraper spell spire split schedule split shift stalk stand standpipe steeple stint stretch stroll stupa sunrise watch swing shift take a trip take the road television mast tenure term time tope tour of duty tower track trade route traject trajectory trajet travel trek trick trip turn turn of work turret vaudeville circuit visit voyage walk walkabout watch water tower wayfare windmill tower work shift


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