Dictionary 1. ( n.) A slight degree, of some color, taste, or smell, infused into another substance, or added to it; tincture; color; dye; hue\; shade; taste. 2. (v. t.) To imbue or impregnate with something different or foreign; as, to tinge a decoction with a bitter taste; to affect in some degree with the qualities of another substance, either by mixture, or by application to the surface; especially, to color slightly; to stain; as, to tinge a blue color with red; an infusion tinged with a yellow color by saffron.
Thesaurus achromatism affect allegory allusion apply paint arcane meaning assumption bedaub bedizen begild bend besmear besprinkle bias breathe brew brush on paint calcimine cast chromatism chromism coat color color balance color harmony color scheme coloration coloring complexion connotation cover dab dash daub decoct decorator color deep-dye dip dispose distemper double-dye dredge dye emblazon enamel engild entincture face fast-dye flavor fresco gild glaze gleam gloss grain hint hue idea illuminate imbrue imbue implication implied meaning import impregnate incline induce inference infiltrate influence infuse infusion ingrain inkling innuendo instill intimation ironic suggestion japan key lacquer lay on color lead leaven lick look meaning metaphorical sense move natural color nuance occult meaning overtone paint pallor parget penetrate permeate persuade pervade pigment predispose presumption presupposition prime prompt saturate sauce scintilla season seasoning shade shadow shellac sip skin color slop on paint smack smattering smear smell soften up soupcon spark spice sprinkling stain steep stipple strain streak subsense subsidiary sense suffuse suggestion sup supposition suspicion sway symbolism taint taste temper tempering thought tinct tincture tint tone touch trace transfuse undercoat undercolor undercurrent undermeaning undertone varnish vestige wash wear down weigh with whitewash work |