◄ Terror-stricken ►

aflutter afraid aghast agitated alarmed alarming all nerves all-overish anxious anxioused up appalling apprehensive atrocious awful awing baleful bashful bothered chicken chickenhearted chilling concerned coward cowardly cowed daunted daunting deadly deterrent deterring diffident dire direful discomposed disconcerting discouraging disgusting disheartening dismayed dismaying disquieted disquieting disturbed dreadful edgy excitable fainthearted fear-inspiring fearing fearsome foreboding formidable frightened frightening frightful funking funky ghastly goosy grim grisly gruesome heinous henhearted hesitant hideous high-strung horrendous horrible horrific horrifying howling in a pucker in a stew in fear intimidated irritable jittery jumpy lily-livered loathsome lurid macabre malign milk-livered milksoppish milksoppy misgiving monstrous mousy nauseating nauseous nerves on edge nervous nervy on edge on tenterhooks overanxious overapprehensive overawing overstrung overtimid overtimorous overwhelming panic-prone panic-stricken panicky perturbed pigeonhearted pusillanimous rabbity redoubtable repugnant repulsive revolting rousing scared scaring scary shaky shivery shocking shrinking shy sinister sissified sissy skittery skittish soft solicitous startling startlish strained sublime suspenseful tense terrible terrific terrified terrifying terror-stricken thumping timid timorous trembling tremendous tremulous trepidant trigger-happy troubled uneasy unmanly unmanned unspeakable unwilling weak weak-kneed weakhearted whacking white-livered yellow zealous


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