Dictionary 1. ( n.) A large extent or tract of land; a region; a country; a district. 2. (n.) The extent of land belonging to, or under the dominion of, a prince, state, or other form of government; often, a tract of land lying at a distance from the parent country or from the seat of government; as, the territory of a State; the territories of the East India Company. 3. (n.) In the United States, a portion of the country not included within the limits of any State, and not yet admitted as a State into the Union, but organized with a separate legislature, under a Territorial governor and other officers appointed by the President and Senate of the United States. In Canada, a similarly organized portion of the country not yet formed into a Province.
Thesaurus Kreis Lebensraum acres air space airspace alluvion alluvium ally ambit arable land archbishopric archdiocese archduchy archdukedom area arrondissement back country bailiwick belt bishopric body politic borough buffer state canton captive nation champaign chieftaincy chieftainry city city-state clay clear space clearance clearing clod colony commonweal commonwealth commune confines congressional district constablewick constituency continental shelf corridor country county crust demesne departement department desert diocese dirt distant prospect district division domain dominion dry land duchy dukedom dust earldom earth electoral district electorate empery empire empty view environs footing free city freehold glade glebe government grand duchy grassland ground hamlet heartland hinterland hundred kingdom land landholdings lithosphere living space magistracy mandant mandate mandated territory mandatee mandatory marginal land marl metropolis metropolitan area milieu mold nation nationality neighborhood oblast offshore rights okrug open country open space orbit outback parish part parts patch place plain polis polity possession power prairie precinct precincts premises principality principate protectorate province puppet government puppet regime purlieu purlieus quarter real estate real property realm region regolith republic riding salient satellite section sector seneschalty settlement sheriffalty sheriffwick shire shrievalty sod soil soke sovereign nation space sphere sphere of influence stake stamping ground state steppe subaerial deposit subsoil sultanate superpower terra terra firma terrain the country three-mile limit toparchia toparchy topsoil town township tract turf twelve-mile limit vantage vicinage vicinity village walk wapentake ward wide-open spaces wilderness woodland zone |