◄ Tension ►

1. (n.) The act of stretching or straining; the state of being stretched or strained to stiffness; the state of being bent strained; as, the tension of the muscles, tension of the larynx.

2. (a.) Fig.: Extreme strain of mind or excitement of feeling; intense effort.

3. (n.) The degree of stretching to which a wire, cord, piece of timber, or the like, is strained by drawing it in the direction of its length; strain.

4. (n.) The force by which a part is pulled when forming part of any system in equilibrium or in motion; as, the tension of a string supporting a weight equals that weight.

5. (n.) A device for checking the delivery of the thread in a sewing machine, so as to give the stitch the required degree of tightness.

6. (a.) Expansive force; the force with which the particles of a body, as a gas, tend to recede from each other and occupy a larger space; elastic force; elasticity; as, the tension of vapor; the tension of air.

7. (n.) The quality in consequence of which an electric charge tends to discharge itself, as into the air by a spark, or to pass from a body of greater to one of less electrical potential. It varies as the quantity of electricity upon a given area.

Discordia Eris agitation all-overs angst anxiety anxiety hysteria anxiety neurosis anxious bench anxious concern anxious seat anxiousness apprehension apprehensiveness bloat bloating breaking point cankerworm of care care chill chilliness clash clashing clutch coldness concern concernment conflict contention coolness crisis crunch disaccord disaffinity discomfort discord discordance discordancy disharmony disquiet disquietude distension distress disturbance dread edginess elongation emergency enmity exigency extension extreme tension fear fidgetiness firmness force foreboding forebodingness friction frost haul heave high pressure iciness imperativeness incompatibility incompatibleness inflation inharmoniousness inharmony inhospitality inimicality inquietude jangle jar jitteriness jumpiness lengthening malaise mental strain mischief misgiving nerves nervous strain nervous tension nervousness noncooperation open conflict overanxiety overdistension overdrawing overexertion overexpansion overextension overstrain overstraining overstress overstretching overtaxing personal conflict perturbation pinch pins and needles press pressure production prolongation protraction pucker pull rack renitence renitency rigidity rigidness rigor rub snapping point solicitude starchiness stew stiffness strain strained relations straining stress stress and strain stressfulness stretch stretching stringing out suspense swelling tautness taxing tenseness tensity tightness traction trouble tug unamiability uncordiality unease uneasiness unfriendliness ungeniality unharmoniousness unpleasantness unquietness unsociability upset urgency vexation worry zeal


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