◄ Tenderness ►

(n.) The quality or state of being tender (in any sense of the adjective).

acceptance airiness algesia allergy anaphylaxis ascent bleeding heart bloom bowels of compassion bubbliness budtime buoyancy clemency clementness compassion compassionateness considerateness daintiness delicacy downiness early years easiness easygoingness empathy ethereality exquisiteness featheriness festering fineness floatability florescence flossiness flowering time fluffiness foaminess fondness forbearance forbearing frothiness gentleness gossameriness humaneness humanity hyperesthesia hyperpathia hypersensitivity identification inflammation insolidity irritability irritation jeunesse juvenescence juvenility lack of weight laxness lenience leniency lenientness lenity levitation levity lightness mellowness mercifulness mercy mildness moderateness morbidezza my burning youth my green age nervousness nonresistiveness nonrigidity oversensibility oversensitiveness overtenderness passibility patience perceptiveness perceptivity photophobia pity plushiness prickliness prime of life pulpiness rankling responsiveness ruthfulness salad days satininess seedtime of life sensitiveness sensitivity sensitization silkiness softheartedness softness sore sore spot soreness sponginess springtime of life supersensitivity sympathy tact tactfulness tender age tender feeling tenderheartedness tetchiness thin skin ticklishness tolerance touchiness unheaviness unsolidity velvetiness volatility warm heart warmheartedness weakness weightlessness yeastiness young blood youngness youth youthfulness youthhead youthhood youthiness


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