Dictionary 1. ( n.) One who has possession of any place; a dweller; an occupant; a renter\. 2. (n.) One who holds or possesses lands, or other real estate, by any kind of right, whether in fee simple, in common, in severalty, for life, for years, or at will; also, one who has the occupation or temporary possession of lands or tenements the title of which is in another; -- correlative to landlord. See Tenement. 3. (v. t.) To hold, occupy, or possess as a tenant.
Thesaurus abide addressee artist-in-residence berth board-and-roomer boarder bunk cohabit denizen domicile domiciliate doss down dwell dweller habitant hang out hirer homesteader house detective incumbent inhabit inhabitant inhabiter inmate inpatient intern leaseholder lessee live live-in maid locum tenens lodge lodger nest occupant occupier occupy paying guest people perch populate remain renter reside residencer resident resident physician residentiary resider room roomer roost sojourner squat squatter stay sublessee subtenant tenant at sufferance tenant for life transient transient guest underlessee |