Dictionary 1. ( n.) Composition, or the putting of two or more things together, as in compounding medicines. 2. (n.) The art or process of making a compound by putting the ingredients together, as contrasted with analysis; thus, water is made by synthesis from hydrogen and oxygen; hence, specifically, the building up of complex compounds by special reactions, whereby their component radicals are so grouped that the resulting substances are identical in every respect with the natural articles when such occur; thus, artificial alcohol, urea, indigo blue, alizarin, etc., are made by synthesis. 3. (n.) The combination of separate elements of thought into a whole, as of simple into complex conceptions, species into genera, individual propositions into systems; -- the opposite of analysis.
Thesaurus Anschluss Baconian method a fortiori reasoning a posteriori reasoning a priori reasoning addition affiliation agglomeration aggregation agreement alliance amalgamation analysis assemblage assembly assimilation association blend blending building buildup cabal cartel centralization coalescence coalition combination combine combining combo composite composition compound confederacy confederation congeries conglomeration conjugation conjunction consolidation conspiracy constitution construction deduction deductive reasoning ecumenism embodiment encompassment enosis epagoge fabrication fashioning federalization federation formation fusing fusion generalization getup hookup hypothesis and verification identification inclusion incorporation induction inductive reasoning inference integrating integration junction junta league make makeup marriage meld melding merge merger merging mixing mixture organization package package deal particularization philosophical induction piecing together putting together setup shaping solidification structure structuring syllogism syllogistic reasoning syncretism syndication syneresis tie-up unification unifying union wedding |