Dictionary 1. ( v. t.) To enclose on all sides; to encompass; to encircle\. 2. (v. t.) To lie or be on all sides of; to encircle; as, a wall surrounds the city. 3. (v. t.) To pass around; to travel about; to circumnavigate; as, to surround the world. 4. (v. t.) To enclose, as a body of troops, between hostile forces, so as to cut off means of communication or retreat; to invest, as a city. 5. (n.) A method of hunting some animals, as the buffalo, by surrounding a herd, and driving them over a precipice, into a ravine, etc.
Thesaurus ambiance ambience atmosphere begird beleaguer beset besiege blockade bound box box in cage carry case chamber circle circle in circuit circuiteer circulate circumambulate circummigrate circumnavigate circumscribe circumvent close close in close the circle come full circle compass compass about comprise confine consume contain coop coop in coop up cordon cordon off corral cover crate cycle define delimit delimitate demarcate describe a circle determine devour dispatch dispose of divide down eat up edge embay embed embosom embox embrace encapsulate encase encircle enclasp enclave enclose encompass enfold enshrine enshroud envelop environ environment environs enwrap extend fence in fix flank fringe get away with get down gird girdle girdle the globe go go about go around go out go round go the round gyre harass harry hedge in hem hem in hold house in impound imprison incarcerate include ingest internalize invest involve jail keep within kennel lap lay off lay siege to leaguer lie limit loop make a circuit margin mark boundaries mark off mark out mark the periphery mew mew up orbit outline pack package pen pen in pocket put away put in quarantine rail in range reach reach out revolve rim ring rope off round run separate set the limit setting sheathe shrine shroud shut in shut up skirt smother soften up span specify spiral spread stable stake out straddle stretch stretch out surroundings swaddle swallow swathe sweep take down take in thrust out tuck in verge wall in wheel wrap wrap about wrap up yard yard up |