Dictionary 1. ( n.) One whose profession or occupation is to cure diseases or injuries of the body by manual operation; one whose occupation is to cure local injuries or disorders (such as wounds, dislocations, tumors, etc.), whether by manual operation, or by medication and constitutional treatment. 2. (n.) Any one of numerous species of chaetodont fishes of the family Teuthidae, or Acanthuridae, which have one or two sharp lancelike spines on each side of the base of the tail. Called also surgeon fish, doctor fish, lancet fish, and sea surgeon.
Thesaurus Machiavellian PBX operator activist actor administrator adventurer agent architect author ball of fire beaver behind-the-scenes operator big operator big wheel big-time operator bustler busy bee central coconspirator conductor conniver conspirator conspirer counterplotter creator director doer driver eager beaver eminence grise engineer enthusiast executant executor executrix exploiter fabricator faker finagler fraud functionary gamesman go-getter gray eminence gunslinger handler human dynamo hustler intrigant intriguer kingmaker lame duck live wire logroller long distance machinator maker man of action man of deeds manager maneuverer manipulator margin purchaser medium militant mover new broom operant operative operative surgeon opportunist performer perpetrator pilot plotter plunger political activist pork-barrel politician powerhouse practitioner prime mover producer runner sawbones scalper schemer smart operator smoothie speculator stag steersman strategist subject superintendent supervisor surgeon switchboard operator take-charge guy telephone operator telephonist wheeler-dealer winner wire-puller wise guy worker |