1. (n.) A pledge, guarantee or security to insure a debt or obligation\.

2. (n.) That which makes sure; that which confirms; ground of confidence or security.

3. (n.) Security against loss or damage; security for payment, or for the performance of some act.

4. (n.) One who is bound with and for another who is primarily liable, and who is called the principal; one who engages to answer for another's appearance in court, or for his payment of a debt, or for performance of some act; a bondsman; a bail.

5. (n.) Hence, a substitute; a hostage.

6. (n.) Evidence; confirmation; warrant.

7. (v. t.) To act as surety for.

absolute certainty absoluteness acceptation acception acquiescence angel arrogance assurance assuredness backer bail bailsman belief bond bondsman certain knowledge certainness certainty certitude clear sailing cocksureness confidence confidentness conviction courage credence credit credulity dead certainty definiteness dependence determinacy determinateness earnest earnest money escrow faith gage godfather godparent guarantee guarantor guaranty handsel harmlessness hock hope hostage hubris immunity indemnity ineluctability inerrability inerrancy inevitability infallibilism infallibility insurance insurer invulnerability mainpernor mainprise mortgagor necessity nonambiguity noncontingency overconfidence oversureness overweening overweeningness patron pawn pignus pledge poise pomposity positiveness predestination predetermination pride probatum protection proved fact reception recognizance reliance reliance on replevin replevy risklessness safeguard safeness safety security self-assurance self-confidence self-importance self-reliance settled belief sponsor stock stocks and bonds store subjective certainty sureness suspension of disbelief tie token payment trust truth unambiguity undertaking underwriter unequivocalness univocity unmistakableness vadimonium vadium warrant warrantor warranty


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