Dictionary 1. (a.) Bright with the rays of the sun; clear, warm, or pleasant; as, a sunshiny day.2. (a.) Bright like the sun; resplendent. 3. (a.) Beaming with good spirits; cheerful. Thesaurus aestival aglow beaming beamy blood-hot blood-warm blushing bright and sunny burning calid candescent clarion clear cloudless equatorial fine flushing genial gleaming gleamy glinting glowing illuminant incandescent irradiative lamping light as day luciferous lucific luciform luke lukewarm luminant luminative luminiferous luminificent luminous lustrous mild orient pleasant radiant rainless room-temperature rutilant rutilous shining shiny starbright starlike starry streaming subtropical suffused summery sunny sunshine temperate tepid thermal thermic toasty tropical unfrozen warm warm as toast warmish |